Hi Fedora

At dotsrc.org we would like to become a public Tier 1 or Tier 2 mirror.

We have a 1Gbit connection to the Danish research network DeIC, which is a part of NORDUnet (DeIC, RHnet, UNINETT, SUNET, Funet) which again is a part of the European research network GÉANT.

We currently pull from ftp.linux.cz, and we have requested access to "fedora-enchilada0".

The dotsrc.org servers are located at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. Contact mail is: staff@dotsrc.org. Username on FAS: dotsrc.

Our mirror is added in mirrormanager, and the "report_mirror" script is called whenever rsync finishes.

Let me know if there is anything else we need to do.

Best Regards
Anders Trier Olesen
staff @ dotsrc.org