HI Adrian

I am sorry to ask you some question about the quick-fedora-mirror. Because I don't sure how to use this.
We used the script(https://www.debian.org/mirror/anonftpsync) to sync data. But I think we need to use quick-fedora-mirror on this time.

So, I got the script from your git server and run the script by this command.
./bin/quick-fedora-mirror -c /home/mirror/fedora/etc/fedora.conf -T 'last week'
But it doesn't work. I waited one hour for the script. I think maybe I do something wrong.
MODULES=(fedora-enchilada fedora-epel)
I copy the quick-fedora-mirror.conf.dist to ~/etc and remove this settings comment.
The folder (/mirror/fedora_office) is empty.
And last, I don't know how to use this to sync data from your server.
In htop

And, another question is can I set the different folder to save the LOG file for me?

Thank for your help.
We hope the mirror site to serve people as soon as possible.
Kevin Wei (weicc)

Adrian Reber <adrian@lisas.de> 於 2018年10月30日 週二 下午5:34寫道:
On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 01:14:39AM +0800, 韋佳均 wrote:
> We want to add a new Fedora and EPEL public mirror site.
> Admin Name: Kevin Wei (韋佳均)
> Admin Email: mirror@linux.cs.nctu.edu.tw
> Sponsor Name:  Computer Science Computer Center, National Chiao Tung
> University
> Sponsor URL: https://www.cs.nctu.edu.tw/
> Fedora:
> RSYNC URL: rsync://linux.cs.nctu.edu.tw/fedora
> HTTP URL: http://fedora.cs.nctu.edu.tw
> RSYNC URL: rsync://linux.cs.nctu.edu.tw/epel
> HTTP URL: http://fedora.cs.nctu.edu.tw/epel

Please use a tier 1 mirror[1] close to you; create an account in the
MirrorManager[2]; register your mirror in our MirrorManager; enter
your local netblocks in the mirror manager; run report_mirror[3]
(if possible) and as soon as you are listed in the database as up to
date yum/dnf will be redirected to your mirror.

All this information can be found in more details in the wiki at:


Thanks for supporting Fedora. If you have any further questions do not
hesitate to ask.

It would help us a lot if you could provide rsync access for our
crawler. Our crawler checks the content of your mirror and using rsync
requires only one network connection in contrast to crawling via HTTP
which can take up one connection per directory/file on your mirror.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring/Tiering
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/MirrorManager
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring

Kevin Wei (weicc) 韋佳均 (Wei Chia-Chun)
Computer Science Computer Center, National Chiao Tung University
1001 University Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, ROC
+886-3-5712121 #54707