On Wed, 3 Apr 2024 at 14:08, Carsten Otto <otto@informatik.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 12:54:10PM -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> An exception to this would be people building containers.
> Theytypically remove the metadata at the end of each build. So do not
> have it cached.  However, the described behaviour would seem to be
> more widespread than some people building containers, which may
> indicate some other reason that a group of people are repeatedly
> grabbing the same data. It would be interesting to know if they are
> only getting repodata or also downloading rpms and other things.

Interesting thought! I just grepped for a few of the "abusive" hosts.
These hosts are downloading packages, including some "basic" ones like
perl, curl, python setuptools.

I'll relax the fail2ban rules a bit and see how things evolve over time.
Maybe everyone needs to rebuild everything once now, which obviously
causes a bit of traffic.

My expectation is that traffic is going to be higher in the next 6 months as various systems are getting moved from CentOS 7 to some newer release. This upgrade process will require a system to be first updated to the latest '7' and many have had updates turned off for years.. then there will be a download and update to EL8 or EL9 depending on what they are doing which will also create a spike in traffic.

Dr. Carsten Otto
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