On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:10:56AM +0200, "Jørgensen, Allan Willems" wrote:
A new mirror in Denmark for Fedora Linux and EPEL. We are already mirror for Ubuntu (dk.archive.ubuntu.com), Debian and CPAN (cpan.dk)
Host: mirrors.dk.telia.net (or mirrors.telianet.dk) IP: Bandwidth: 1G Sync: 8:05 UTC, 14:05 UTC and every 4th hour. Protocols: http, ftp and rsync
http://mirrors.dk.telia.net/fedora ftp://mirrors.dk.telia.net/fedora resync://mirrors.dk.telia.net/fedora
http://mirrors.dk.telia.net/epel ftp://mirrors.dk.telia.net/epel resync://mirrors.dk.telia.net/fedora-epel
Thanks for supporting Fedora (and sorry for the late reply).
Your MirrorManager entry looks correct and for epel you should see clients connecting to your mirror. Your Fedora mirror seems to be out of date. The last update seems to have been around 21-Aug-2014. Maybe you can have a look why the sync has stopped.