Hi There,

I hope you enjoyed the ten day internet marketing part of the
course, "Make my website Work!"
As mentioned in the last email you need TRAFFIC to your web site.
This is the fuel that drives the sales and bookings!

There are the traditional ways to gain traffic but now there are

other very effective ways to advertise your business on other social
mediums such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr along with blog sites.

Are you using these mediums? Have considered them yet?
You need to
because I guarantee your competition is.
What is more they are FREE to use!

To keep you up to date I will send to you
another part of the "Make my web site Work!"
course explain how valuble these mediums are and how you can use them:

7 Ways to Promote Your Event Using Social Media

7 Steps to advertise on Facebook

17 Ways to use Twitter

7 Ways Being Too Real on Twitter can Kill Your Business

Soon you will receive the first one:

7 Ways to Promote Your Event Using Social Media


Best Wishes,

Graham Callingwood
Author of "Make my website work!"
The Top Page Guru
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