Hi Fedoraproject.Org Team,

I thought you might like to know some of the reasons why you are not getting enough organic & social media traffic on your website.

Let me tell you that your website still does not organically rank on Google’s first page for most of the popular keywords, which means people searching for your products are not able to find you and you are losing traffic. Your loss is your competitors’ gain i.e. the traffic which could have generated quality sales, goes to your competitors as they rank well in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) organically.

Some of the major steps you can adopt to rank well in SERPs organically and increase your social media presence is:

1. Your website profile needs to be regularly updated in social media sites.

2. Your site has very less number of genuine Google back links and this can be improved a lot further.

3. You need to update fresh and quality contents on your website and blogs as per the latest Google guideline.

In the present day scenario it’s very essential to take a proper care of your website and keep it updated with fresh and original contents. One single unwanted link might put your website in disaster situation. There are many additional improvements that could be made to your website, and if you are interested to learn about them and curious to know what our working together would involve, then I would be glad to provide you a detailed proposal for your website.

We do website optimization, Reputation management, SMO for websites to make them listed on the top of the search engine as well as promote them over the Internet. We have a team of 220+ SEO professional working 24*7.  Unlike other SEO companies we do not believe in talking rather we believe in delivering what we promise to our clients.

Our clients' consistently tell us that their customers find them because they are on the top of Google. Being on the top of Google is the best thing you can do for your sales and online reputation.

This email just tells you the fraction of things we do, our optimization process involves many other technical factors which can be sent to you on your request. If you would like to know more about our services then please write us back else you can give us a call us in our number below.

P.S: - This is our marketing strategy that we use the Gmail account. Once you reply us back, the next communication I will do is from my corporate email ID.

Let me know your thoughts and looking forward to work together.

Best Regards,
Jorge Conner |Senior SEO Advisor
PH. No: (217) 650-7095
Skype: Jorgeconner


1: This is a onetime email and you may ask us to “REMOVE”.
2:  If you are interested I will send more details on our “corporate identity”, “company profile”, “why you should choose us?”, “Price list”, “money back” etc. in my next mail.