This is the output:
espejito:~/bin # sudo -u mirror ./report_mirror Category Fedora Linux directories updated: 0 added: 0 deleted 6080 Category Fedora EPEL directories updated: 1000 added: 0 deleted 0 checked in successful
It seems that it removed a lot of directories...
This is the report_mirror.conf
espejito:~/bin # cat report_mirror.conf | grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ [global] enabled=1 server= [site] enabled=1 name=espejito password=**** [host] enabled=1 [stats] enabled=0 apache=/var/log/httpd/access_log vsftpd=/var/log/vsftpd.log rsyncd=/var/log/rsyncd.log [Fedora Linux] enabled=1 path=/zp0/mirrors/fedora/fedora/linux [Fedora EPEL] enabled=1 path=/zp0/mirrors/fedora/epel [Fedora Secondary Arches] enabled=0 path=/var/www/html/pub/fedora-secondary [Fedora Other] enabled=0 path=/var/www/html/pub/alt [Fedora Archive] enabled=0 path=/var/www/html/pub/fedora-archive
El 31/10/18 a las 9:50, Adrian Reber escribió:
On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 09:42:24AM -0300, ariel sabiguero yawelak wrote:
I forgot the "sudo" when I ran it last time.
In the crontab runs as user mirror. Just in case, I just chowned the whole branch to mirror.mirror.
we are serving content, properly right now. How can I check correctness of our reporting?
Reporting is optional. If you run the report_mirror tool and paste the output here I can probably tell you if it is correct. Unfortunately I don't know how quick-fedora-mirror's reporting works.