Hi There,
Today lets get down to the nitty gritty and look at your web site.
Frankly, does it CONVERT visits into SALES! To answer that look

at Part 3 - What your web designer wont tell you
Hopefully you have accurate tracking on your website to measure the
proportion of visitors who convert to paying customers.
If you don't, the statistics might shock you.
On average, only 1% of visitors to a typical website, buy anything
from that website. For many businesses, the figure is even less.
This means that if your website is typical, 99% of your visitors
will leave without doing business with you.
This is a tragic waste of the time, effort, energy and resources
you've invested to build your website and your online presence.
Why are these figures so bad?
First, a word of warning. If you have a tremendous relationship
with your web designer, don't read any further, especially if
you're easily offended.
The blunt truth is, it's highly likely that your web designer knows
nothing about online marketing.
They're called web 'Designers' for a reason. They design things.
They understand html, layout, positioning etc.
Unfortunately, that has next to nothing to do with generating
online sales!
Apart from running my own, successful online business, I help
thousands of business owners week in, week out with their online
Marketing. We know first hand what works and what doesn't.
Here's a checklist to go over with your web designer. If they
refuse to work with you to implement these strategies, my strong
advice is to fire them. I'm covering these points for you in the
form of questions:
1 Does the home page of your website clearly describe the benefits
that your product or service offers, before users have to scroll
down the page?
2 Is the first thing that greets visitors a large company logo or a
picture? This is a waste of valuable space
3 Are you offering visitors a compelling reason to give you their
name and email address when they arrive at your site? (Free report,
free video etc)
4 Have you tested Pay per Click Advertising?
5 Are you successfully using video throughout your site?
6 Is your copy throughout the website about you - or your
customer's needs, problems and frustrations?
7 Do you send regular emails to your existing customers and
prospective customers?
Making your web site Work is what it is all about. They say in
business "fail fast" which means if it is not working then change
it, do something about it. So if the any of the above has alarm
bells ringing then make the changes. The difference it will make
will astound you.
If you need another web master to look after your web site and
make the changes that will really make a difference between a
sale or not why not contact me. Contact me
I can re vamp your web site and make it the selling machine that
it should be. Why not contact me for a no obligation quote.
If budget is an issue please contact me anyway and we can always
come to an arrangement that will suit your needs and get your web
site really working for you.

Hopefully by now you can see the value of getting the names and
email addresses of those that visit your site.  In the next part I will
show you how to make the most of these emails and how you can start
to convert them into bookings. 
Best Wishes,

Graham Callingwood
Author of "Make my website Work!"
The Top Page Guru
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