
We'd like to register the following mirror:

Sponsor Name:  nxtHost.com
Sponsor URL: https://www.nxthost.com 
RSYNC: rsync://mirrors.nxthost.com

RSYNC: rsync://mirrors.nxthost.com/fedora-epel/

RSYNC allowed only for scans: no

HTTP: http://mirrors.nxthost.com/fedora-enchilada/
HTTPS: https://mirrors.nxthost.com/fedora-enchilada/

HTTP: http://mirrors.nxthost.com/fedora-epel/
HTTPS: https://mirrors.nxthost.com/fedora-epel/

Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 10Gb/s
Location: Bucharest, Romania
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize: 2a02:2160:8ddd:7::4

Hostname:  mirrors.nxthost.com

Email Admin: ciprian.popa@nxthub.com

Subscribed to mailing list: yes

Limitations : no


Ciprian Popa