Happy New Year!!!:)
My name is Jay - an Affiliate Account Manager at InstallMonetizer. I wanted to connect with you and show you how you can make more money by using our services to monetize your install path. :)
Publishers on our network are increasing income everyday!! -PPI as high as $1.65 with our Dual Offer Screen!! -Highest Payouts Internationally! -Cleanest Monetization Channel - NO Malware/Spyware
Below are some network averages (eCPM): **1000 USA offer screens displayed: $420.00 **1000 European offer screens displayed: $265.00 NOTE - We monetize all countries :)
Most publishers run a test with us and quickly see that we payout 3-4x more than their current advertiser.
I would love have you run a test on our network. :)
When would be a good time to chat? Skype: jay.installmonetizer Yahoo: dhaliwal.jasjeet
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