Same problem with 2.19.19

Every file produces the same error

warning: `(gs -q -dSAFER -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595.28 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=841.89 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPA
USE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=./test.pdf -c.setpdfwrite' failed (256) 

fatal error: failed files: ""

> Hi,
> Can anyone confirm that lilypond-2.19.18 from Fedora 22 Beta currently is 
> unusable, probably due to problems with Ghostscript 9.16?
> On my system compiling any *.ly file fails with an error message related 
> to ghostscript.