
Please advise if a multimedia spin for Fedora 11 is available (or for Fedora 12 planned)?

The standard Fedora 11 installation does not by default set the RT-PRIO for jackuser or pulse audio etc., etc. Neither does the standard Fedora 11 installation
automatically assign all users to the jackusers group.

For the multimedia spin to be successful these and the other necessary configuration settings must be taken care of in the background. Alternatively an "multimedia administration tool" for easy configuration of the pam/usergroup settings in an RT-enviroment should be written.

Further, the standard-Kernel and RT-Kernel with same version number should be available form the standard Fedora repository. This practice of having the same version number for all kernel types makes it very easy for graphic driver support etc., and means that Fedora can be booted with either kernel type for testing purposes.

Regards, Simon.