Christopher, I've been reading through your draft documentation and will have some comments to submit. But you recently moved your documents to a git repository in xml format, previously here: What is the easiest way (application) to view the xml documents and create comment markups? And when is the 'drop-dead' date for comments? I want to do a step by step walk through of the procedural documentation but work constraints is slowing my effort. Thanks, Jeff Sandys
Hi Jeff (and everyone):
You're right that the documents on the wiki are no longer up to date, and that they're hosted in a git repository, available here:
I don't recommend reading the XML files unless you are familiar with DocBook XML markup. It would be a huge hassle, and completely unhelpful for everyone concerned.
Instead, I recommend reading the draft posted here, under the "Fedora Draft Documentation" category:
The draft is updated daily (for now), and it's always in sync with what's available in the git repository. Next week, it will be updated less often than daily, but I'll always keep it in sync with what's in git.
The Documentation Project's branch for Fedora 14 will happen on August 31st. All comments before that point will be considered for the F14 version, and comments after that point will be considered for the F15 version. The F14 document can be changed after August 31, but only for large or dangerous errors.
Thank you to everybody who helps by reading the draft (and final!) document. There are certainly lots of improvements to be made, and I will consider any and all comments - especially when something is confusing!
To submit comments: 1.) Send them to me by email, or 2.) Submit a bug on the Red Hat Bugzilla, or 3.) Leave a <!-- TODO: ... --> comment in an XML file on the git repository; you'll need to be in the docs-commits FAS group to do this.
On 08/07/2010 01:50 PM, Jeff Sandys wrote:
Christopher, I've been reading through your draft documentation and will have some comments to submit. But you recently moved your documents to a git repository in xml format, previously here: What is the easiest way (application) to view the xml documents and create comment markups? And when is the 'drop-dead' date for comments? I want to do a step by step walk through of the procedural documentation but work constraints is slowing my effort. Thanks, Jeff Sandys