----- Forwarded message from Vendaval <..> -----
Hello everyone!
Thanks for attending today's meeting. We will be meeting again in two weeks' time (November, 30th). FranciscoD would be chairing the next meeting
Links to the logs from today's meeting:
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2020-11-16/ neurofedora.2020-11-16-13.01.html Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2020-11-16/ neurofedora.2020-11-16-13.01.log.html
Minutes in text format for your convenience:
#fedora-neuro: NeuroFedora - 2020-11-16
Meeting started by bt0 at 13:01:09 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-neuro/2020-11-16/neurofedora.2020-1... .
Meeting summary
Today's Agenda (bt0, 13:02:14)
- introductions and roll call (bt0, 13:02:33)
- Tasks from last bi-week's meeting: (bt0, 13:02:33)
- Open Pagure tickets (bt0, 13:02:33)
- Open NeuroFedora bugs (bt0, 13:02:33)
- Koschei packages check (bt0, 13:02:33)
- CompNeuro lab compose status check for F33/F34 (bt0, 13:02:33)
- Neuroscience query of the week (bt0, 13:02:35)
- Next meeting day, and chair (bt0, 13:02:37)
- open floor (bt0, 13:02:39)
introductions and roll call (bt0, 13:02:50)
- FAS: ankursinha, Ankur Sinha, IRC: FranciscoD ; NeuroFedora, packaging, Fedora-join, Ask Fedora etc. UTC+1 (Europe/London) (FranciscoD, 13:03:44)
- Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez, FAS: bt0dotninja, IRC: bt0; CommOps, NeuroFedora, Marketing, fedora-join, mindshare, etc. ; UTC -6 (bt0, 13:04:33)
- Aniket Pradhan, FAS: major, IRC/Telegram: MeWjOr NeuroFedora, Packaging, random stuff; UTC+5:30 (MeWjOr, 13:05:40)
Task from the last meeting (bt0, 13:09:41)
- LINK: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/neurofedora/neurofedora.2020-11-02-1... (bt0, 13:09:50)
- MeWjOr Work over the update for python-mne (bt0, 13:11:03)
- MeWjOr Fix the deps for python-odml (bt0, 13:11:45)
- ACTION: the awesome MeWjOr Work over the update for python-mne (bt0, 13:13:10)
- ACTION: MeWjOr Fix the deps for python-odml (bt0, 13:13:30)
- FranciscoD Checkout nest at the next meeting if its building fine or not (bt0, 13:13:43)
- alciregi check on python-pydicom package (bt0, 13:15:23)
- ACTION: alciregi check on python-pydicom package (bt0, 13:17:36)
- everyone Think over some ideas as to what we can present at FOSDEM 21 (bt0, 13:18:10)
- ACTION: bt0 will generate a base docker-file for the neurofedora Docker/podman image (bt0, 13:24:35)
- LINK: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/374 (bt0, 13:27:03)
- IDEA: Dev session on FOSDEM 21 (bt0, 13:29:05)
Open Pagure tickets (bt0, 13:29:36)
- LINK: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Nex... (bt0, 13:29:43)
- Ticket 318 NeuroFedora reading/listening list (bt0, 13:29:53)
- LINK: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issue/318 (bt0, 13:30:01)
Open NeuroFedora bugs (bt0, 13:32:28)
- LINK: https://tinyurl.com/neurofedora-bugs (bt0, 13:32:37)
Koschei packages check (bt0, 13:38:02)
- LINK: https://koschei.fedoraproject.org/groups/neuro-sig (bt0, 13:38:12)
CompNeuro lab compose status check for F33/F34 (bt0, 13:44:53)
- LINK: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 (bt0, 13:45:00)
Neuroscience query of the week (bt0, 13:48:06)
- LINK: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627309005479 (FranciscoD, 13:58:28)
- LINK: https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/10.1162/NECO_a_00409 (FranciscoD, 13:58:56)
Next meeting day, and chair (bt0, 14:00:25)
- ACTION: Next meeting November 30, same time in two weeks. FranciscoD will chair the meeting (bt0, 14:03:19)
openfloor (bt0, 14:03:31)
- ACTION: bt0 send out the meeting logs (bt0, 14:03:45)
Meeting ended at 14:07:10 UTC.
Action Items
- the awesome MeWjOr Work over the update for python-mne
- MeWjOr Fix the deps for python-odml
- alciregi check on python-pydicom package
- bt0 will generate a base docker-file for the neurofedora Docker/podman image
- Next meeting November 30, same time in two weeks. FranciscoD will chair the meeting
- bt0 send out the meeting logs
Action Items, by person
- bt0
- bt0 will generate a base docker-file for the neurofedora Docker/podman image
- bt0 send out the meeting logs
- FranciscoD
- Next meeting November 30, same time in two weeks. FranciscoD will chair the meeting
- MeWjOr
- the awesome MeWjOr Work over the update for python-mne
- MeWjOr Fix the deps for python-odml
- alciregi check on python-pydicom package
People Present (lines said)
- bt0 (104)
- FranciscoD (56)
- MeWjOr (41)
- zodbot (14)
- AarKiMos (3)
- tg-fedneuro1 (3)
- fm-neuro (1)
- iztok85 (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
-- "No estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices, pero daría mi vida por defender tu derecho a decirlo" ^^Voltaire^^
neuro-sig mailing list -- neuro-sig@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to neuro-sig-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/ List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/neuro-sig@lists.fedoraproject....
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