Hello everyone,
Please join us at the next Open NeuroFedora team meeting on Monday, 18 November at 13:00 UTC. The meeting is a public meeting, and open for everyone to attend. You can join us over on Matrix in the Fedora Meeting channel:
You can use this link to see the local time for the meeting:
or you can use this command in a terminal:
$ date -d 'Monday, November 18, 2024 13:00 UTC'
The meeting will be chaired by @ankursinha. The agenda for the meeting is:
- New introductions and roll call. - Tasks from last meeting: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/latest/neurofedora - Open Pagure tickets: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Nex... - Package health check: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/dashboard?groups=neuro-sig - Open package reviews check: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro - CompNeuro lab compose status check: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 - Neuroscience query of the week - Next meeting day, and chair. - Open floor.
We hope to see you there!
The meeting announcement is also posted on the NeuroFedora blog here:
You can learn more about NeuroFedora here: https://neuro.fedoraproject.org
Dear all,
Here are the minutes from today's meeting. The next (last meeting of 2024) will be on 02 December at 1300. Please do join us.
===================================== # #meeting:fedoraproject.org: neurofedora =====================================
Meeting started by @ankursinha:fedora.im at 2024-11-18 13:01:13
Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: https://neuroblog.fedoraproject.org/2024/11/18/next-open-neurofedora-meeting... (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:01:57) * TOPIC: Introductions and roll call (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:02:10) * TOPIC: Tasks from last week (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:07:40) * ACTION: Ankur re-check bokeh PR and update for new versions (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:08:01) * ACTION: Ankur merge dcmtk PR and build deps -> WIP, reassigning (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:08:34) * TOPIC: Open pagure tickets (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:08:47) * LINK: https://pagure.io/neuro-sig/NeuroFedora/issues?status=Open&tags=S%3A+Nex... (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:08:49) * INFO: no new tickets (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:10:59) * TOPIC: Packages health check (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:11:46) * LINK: https://packager-dashboard.fedoraproject.org/dashboard?groups=neuro-sig (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:11:49) * INFO: A few FTBFS reports from Koschei, but nothing too urgent apart from that (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:15:56) * INFO: Updating dcmtk and then ITK are probably going to be the most time consuming things (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:16:07) * INFO: A few packages have new versions available (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:16:28) * INFO: Numpy2 will come to F43: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NumPy2 (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:17:30) * TOPIC: Open package reviews check (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:17:53) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=fedora-neuro (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:18:17) * INFO: 3 new review tickets are looking for reviewers (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:18:28) * INFO: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2283111 -> 2283111 – Review Request: python-astrovascpy - Simulating blood flow in vasculature (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:18:49) * INFO: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2323071 - 2323071 – Review Request: python-etelemetry - Etelemetry python client API (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:19:10) * INFO: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2323073 - 2323073 – Review Request: python-nipype - Neuroimaging in Python: Pipelines and Interfaces (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:19:44) * INFO: 3 others are currently in review (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:20:27) * TOPIC: Comp neuro ISO compose check (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:21:02) * INFO: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=30691 -> failing (but not because of something specific to our image) (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:21:14) * TOPIC: Neuroscience query of the week (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:21:28) * INFO: Major biomedical funder NIH poised for massive reform under Trump 2.0 -> Major biomedical funder NIH poised for massive reform under Trump 2.0 (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:21:49) * INFO: Major biomedical funder NIH poised for massive reform under Trump 2.0 -> https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03736-0 (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:22:09) * INFO: Computer Scientists Establish the Best Way to Traverse a Graph | Quanta Magazine -> https://www.quantamagazine.org/computer-scientists-establish-the-best-way-to... (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:24:41) * INFO: Retraction Watch is hiring! Two journalism jobs available – Retraction Watch -> https://retractionwatch.com/2024/11/12/retraction-watch-is-hiring-two-journa... (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:26:10) * INFO: eLife won’t get an impact factor, says Clarivate – Retraction Watch -> https://retractionwatch.com/2024/11/13/elife-wont-get-an-impact-factor-says-... (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:26:33) * TOPIC: Next meeting day/chair (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:27:07) * INFO: In 2 weeks on Monday 02 December (last meeting for this year) (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:27:26) * TOPIC: Open floor (@ankursinha:fedora.im, 13:27:37)
Meeting ended at 2024-11-18 13:29:26
Action items ------------ * Ankur re-check bokeh PR and update for new versions * Ankur merge dcmtk PR and build deps -> WIP, reassigning
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @ankursinha:fedora.im (44) * @meetbot:fedora.im (3) * @music:fedora.im (2) * @zodbot:fedora.im (2)