Thanks for the prompt update. Appreciate it.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Pascal Calarco <pcalarco@nd.edu> wrote:
No problem, Paul.  I've added this to the announcements section of this week's FWN.  Thanks!

 - pascal

Paul W. Frields wrote:
Hi FWN editors,

Information came to me from someone in Red Hat Marketing about an
upcoming, free, informal RHCE conference in New York City.  They are
interested in letting the Fedora community know about it since we have
a fair number of contributors who are RHCEs and might benefit from the

Now, the last time we had someone ask about a topic like this, the
News team agreed it wouldn't mind spreading information like this

(1) it's relevant to the Fedora community; and

(2) that we issue only a terse announcement, and point people directly
to a URL where they could look for information if they care -- thus
avoiding a splashy and distracting "advertisement" feel.


I think the blurb could look something like this:

"On Thursday, Oct. 8, 2009 from 9am-1pm, Red Hat will hold a free,
informal conference for RHCEs, offering information sharing on a
variety of topics at the Rubin Museum in New York City.  Details are
available at the following URL: http://www.redhat.com/rhceloopback."

Does that seem acceptable?

As a side note, I didn't find this policy written up anywhere on the
wiki, but if the editors agree on it -- or if you have a completely
different decision on it -- it would be helpful if you could write it
up on the wiki.  I can consult it and direct people to it in the
future to ensure maximum transparency and consistency.


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