On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 19:16, Pascal Calarco <pcalarco@nd.edu> wrote:

This is excellent news, and I would be glad to include news about this in the next issue.

Just to let everyone know, this week's issue will be out tomorrow afternoon. I am on the way back to Indiana from FUDCon in Toronto, leaving earlier than expected due to a big winter storm coming in tomorrow. Thanks, and lots more info on outcomes from work on Fedora Insight in the new few days as well.


- pascal

From: fedora-news-list-bounces@redhat.com <fedora-news-list-bounces@redhat.com>
To: fedora-news-list <fedora-news-list@redhat.com>
Sent: Mon Dec 07 17:55:44 2009
Subject: FAWN for FWN 205

Hello all,

I plan to record the pilot episode of Fedora's Audible Weekly News(FAWN) in 6-7 hours. I will announce that it is out on this list, my blog, and my personal Identi.ca and Twitter accounts.

I am curious as to whether or not I can place the following tag under the "Fedora Weekly News Issue 205" header:
"Fedora Weekly News Issue 205 is also available as an Ogg Vorbis audio file."
This statement would have a "3" superscript(assuming the current version online doesn't change) that would point to the file link.

Furthermore, how do we want to syndicate this?
Kamisamanou Burgess

Does that mean the content at fp.o/wiki/FWN/Issue205 is not final, and therefore not ready for me to record?

Kamisamanou Burgess