Over the past year, I've made two attempts at starting to package Antora properly.  Both times, I got a dozen or so dependencies packaged up, and then realized that Antora still depends on nodegit, which bundles its own copy of openssl, openssh, etc.  I keep hearing that upstream might be moving away from nodegit.

I'll try to look at the upstream code again today and see if that's still the case.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 1:27 PM Matthew Miller <mattdm@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
The Fedora Docs project is using Antora (https://antora.org/), which is written in Node.

The Fedora Packaging Committee is interested in using our centralized docs system, but understandably feels a bit hypocritical using a tool which isn't even packaged. Okay, fair enough.

Is there anyone here interested in helping (*cough* by which I mean "doing") get this into RPM form?
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