I tried the un-unannounced f11-xo1/os10 The good (and bad) news is that powerd almost work. The XO dims and sleeps on time, but fails to wakeup to blank the screen (waited ~3min past the set time). As soon as user inputs wakes it up, it goes to blank/suspend. Suspend and wakeup on lid and power button is OK. The /var/log/powerd.trace also is not update beyond the 3 initial lines (bellow) ============= /usr/sbin/powerd: line 422: 1944 Terminated pnmto565fb -d -f $framebuffer -s 999999 9 $args /usr/sbin/powerd: line 1: 1945 Terminated ( sleep $1; shift 1; selfinject powertime rdone $(seconds) $timerseqno $* ) /usr/sbin/powerd: line 1: 1974 Terminated sleep 9999999