Thanks for all comments on the first version of the model. I've integrated most of the remarks into the new version.


Design document:


MOF file:



Changes against v1:


* diagrams now have associations done according to UML


* parameter/property Port is now string and can be either plain port number as string or dash separated port range


* operations for extending zone (AddPort, AddForwardPort) are now atomic - e.g. AddForwardPort method takes all necessary parameters to create the forward port rule, instead of necessity to create and modify the rule in two steps


* AddRuleComponent method of class LMI_FirewalldRule was removed


* LMI_FirewalldRuleComponent was split into LMI_FirewalldServicePort (for association between LMI_FirewalldService and LMI_FirewalldPort) and LMI_FirewalldRichRuleComponent (association between LMI_FirewalldRichRule and LMI_FirewalldRule that describes its details)


* properties IPv4Destination and IPv6Destination was renamed to IPv4 and IPv6 (similar as in the Firewalld API)


* LMI_FirewalldForwardPort is now inherited from LMI_FirewalldPort


* value "No Target" of property Target in the class LMI_FirewalldZone removed


* LMI_FirewalldRichRule class got new methods AddService, AddICMPBlock, and AddLogAction (as a replacement for AddRuleComponent method).


* class LMI_HostedFirewalldService was renamed to LMI_FirewalldServiceOnSystem



Suggestions and comments are welcome as always.


Radek Novacek