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src/account/test/ (Diff revision 1)
            'conn': self.conn,
            'delay_action': 0.1,
            'delay_chillout': 3,
            'listener_host': "localhost",
            'listener_port': 11001,
Most of these seem like common options to many other tests. I'd try to move them somewhere higher in hierarchy to lmi.test package. It would make sense to let them be overridden by environment variables.

Also name *options* is not much descriptive - especially since they are not used anywhere in this module (except of being modified in few tests).

src/account/test/ (Diff revision 1)
    def xtest_create_50(self):
Why the leading 'x'?
IMHO it prevents the test from being discovered and run.

src/account/test/ (Diff revision 1)
        self.options['delay_chillout'] = 20
Since the order of tests execution is not deterministic, this assignment nondeterministically affect other tests which do not modify options. Maybe this option could be passed as a keyword argument to self.assertExpectedStream that would treat them as additional options to driver.

- Michal Minar

On May 14th, 2014, 4:31 p.m. UTC, Alois Mahdal wrote:

Review request for OpenLMI Developers.
By Alois Mahdal.

Updated May 14, 2014, 4:31 p.m.

Repository: openlmi-providers


Basic set of tests with focus on this flow:

  1. add set of subscriptions
  2. add set of handlers
  3. trigger sequence of "interesting" events
  4. collect indications
  5. and make assertions as needed

Currently the assertions are mostly that correct classes have been
delivered, reporting the events in correct order.


  • src/account/test/ (PRE-CREATION)

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