
I'm Riya Elizabeth John, an undergrad sophomore at IIT Roorkee, India. Being a student developer with a passion for the field of ML and Data Analysis, I do appreciate the significance of FOSS and would love to work with and contribute to Fedora this Summer.

I'm an active member of two developer groups from the Tech community in my college, and having collaborated on several projects here, am fluent with Git, Python and ML libraries and DL frameworks (Pandas/Sklearn/Keras/Tensorflow etc.)

The project proposal on "Improving Fedora's automated community metrics" really piqued my interest! 
I've joined the Telegram channels, and have been going through CommOps' (and related) work on Pagure (fedora-messaging, FedoraCommunityStats, the datagrepper) to better know the community and the kinda work that's done here. 
I'd love to get in touch with the mentor, and discuss what's expected from this project- for eg: I can see that there exist CLI tools to gather stats from datagrepper, so are we expected to work on the same collected data- and visualise community activity with the same?

Given that the Pandemic is still raging, and our colleges are still in online mode, novice developers like me, have faced a loss of mentorship (>.<)
I believe participating in Summer Coding programmes, especially with an organisation having a friendly community(like this one!) is an ideal way to learn and keep the blues away ;D

Warm regards,
Riya Elizabeth John