-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora Update Notification FEDORA-2018-96d770ddc9 2018-06-06 13:29:38.347969 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : php-symfony4 Product : Fedora 28 Version : 4.0.11 Release : 1.fc28 URL : http://symfony.com Summary : Symfony PHP framework (version 4) Description : Symfony PHP framework (version 4).
NOTE: Does not require PHPUnit bridge.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
**Version 4.0.11** (2018-05-25) * bug #27364 [DI] Fix bad exception on uninitialized references to non-shared services (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27359 [HttpFoundation] Fix perf issue during MimeTypeGuesser intialization (nicolas- grekas) * security #cve-2018-11408 [SecurityBundle] Fail if security.http_utils cannot be configured * security #cve-2018-11406 clear CSRF tokens when the user is logged out * security #cve-2018-11385 migrating session for UsernamePasswordJsonAuthenticationListener * security #cve-2018-11385 Adding session authentication strategy to Guard to avoid session fixation * security #cve-2018-11385 Adding session strategy to ALL listeners to avoid *any* possible fixation * security #cve-2018-11386 [HttpFoundation] Break infinite loop in PdoSessionHandler when MySQL is in loose mode * bug #27341 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed validator/dump trace CSS (yceruto) * bug #27337 [FrameworkBundle] fix typo in CacheClearCommand (emilielorenzo) ---- **Version 4.0.10** (2018-05-21) * bug #27264 [Validator] Use strict type in URL validator (mimol91) * bug #27267 [DependencyInjection] resolve array env vars (jamesthomasonjr) * bug #26781 [Form] Fix precision of MoneyToLocalizedStringTransformer's divisions on transform() (syastrebov) * bug #27286 [Translation] Add Occitan plural rule (kylekatarnls) * bug #27271 [DI] Allow defining bindings on ChildDefinition (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27246 Disallow invalid characters in session.name (ostrolucky) * bug #27287 [PropertyInfo] fix resolving parent|self type hints (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27281 [HttpKernel] Fix dealing with self/parent in ArgumentMetadataFactory (fabpot) * bug #24805 [Security] Fix logout (MatTheCat) * bug #27265 [DI] Shared services should not be inlined in non-shared ones (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27141 [Process] Suppress warnings when open_basedir is non-empty (cbj4074) * bug #27250 [Session] limiting :key for GET_LOCK to 64 chars (oleg-andreyev) * bug #27237 [Debug] Fix populating error_get_last() for handled silent errors (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27232 [Cache][Lock] Fix usages of error_get_last() (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27236 [Filesystem] Fix usages of error_get_last() (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27191 [DI] Display previous error messages when throwing unused bindings (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27231 [FrameworkBundle] Fix cache:clear on vagrant (nicolas-grekas) * bug #27222 [WebProfilerBundle][Cache] Fix misses calculation when calling getItems (fsevestre) * bug #27227 [HttpKernel] Handle NoConfigurationException "onKernelException()" (nicolas- grekas) * bug #27152 [HttpFoundation] use brace-style regex delimiters (xabbuh) * bug #27158 [Cache] fix logic for fetching tag versions on TagAwareAdapter (dmaicher) * bug #27143 [Console] By default hide the short exception trace line from exception messages in Symfony's commands (yceruto) * bug #27133 [Doctrine Bridge] fix priority for doctrine event listeners (dmaicher) * bug #27135 [FrameworkBundle] Use the correct service id for CachePoolPruneCommand in its compiler pass (DemonTPx) * feature #24896 Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (egircys) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon May 28 2018 Remi Collet remi@remirepo.net - 4.0.11-1 - update to 4.0.11 * Thu May 24 2018 Remi Collet remi@remirepo.net - 4.0.10-1 - update to 4.0.10 - ignore new dependency on symfony/polyfill-ctype * Fri May 4 2018 Remi Collet remi@remirepo.net - 4.0.9-1 - update to 4.0.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2018-96d770ddc9' at the command line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html#upgrade-command-label
All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/keys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------