-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora Update Notification FEDORA-2022-afdea1c747 2022-10-07 13:13:03.413575 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : php Product : Fedora 35 Version : 8.0.24 Release : 1.fc35 URL : http://www.php.net/ Summary : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites Description : PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. PHP attempts to make it easy for developers to write dynamically generated web pages. PHP also offers built-in database integration for several commercial and non-commercial database management systems, so writing a database-enabled webpage with PHP is fairly simple. The most common use of PHP coding is probably as a replacement for CGI scripts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
**PHP version 8.0.24** (29 Sep 2022) **Core:** * Fixed bug [GH-9323](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9323) (Crash in ZEND_RETURN/GC/zend_call_function) (Tim Starling) * Fixed bug [GH-9361](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9361) (Segmentation fault on script exit php#9379). (cmb, Christian Schneider) * Fixed bug [GH-9407](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9407) (LSP error in eval'd code refers to wrong class for static type). (ilutov) * Fixed bug php#81727: Don't mangle HTTP variable names that clash with ones that have a specific semantic meaning. (**CVE-2022-31629**). (Derick) **DOM:** * Fixed bug php#79451 (DOMDocument->replaceChild on doctype causes double free). (Nathan Freeman) **FPM:** * Fixed bug [GH-8885](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/8885) (FPM access.log with stderr begins to write logs to error_log after daemon reload). (Dmitry Menshikov) * Fixed bug php#77780 ("Headers already sent..." when previous connection was aborted). (Jakub Zelenka) **GMP** * Fixed bug [GH-9308](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9308) (GMP throws the wrong error when a GMP object is passed to gmp_init()). (Girgias) **Intl** * Fixed bug [GH-9421](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9421) (Incorrect argument number for ValueError in NumberFormatter). (Girgias) **Phar:** * Fixed bug php#81726: phar wrapper: DOS when using quine gzip file. (**CVE-2022-31628**). (cmb) **PDO_PGSQL:** * Fixed bug [GH-9411](https://github.com/php/php- src/issues/9411) (PgSQL large object resource is incorrectly closed). (Yurunsoft) **Reflection:** * Fixed bug [GH-8932](https://github.com/php/php- src/issues/8932) (ReflectionFunction provides no way to get the called class of a Closure). (cmb, Nicolas Grekas) * Fixed bug [GH-9409](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9409) (Private method is incorrectly dumped as "overwrites"). (ilutov) **Streams:** * Fixed bug [GH-9316](https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/9316) ($http_response_header is wrong for long status line). (cmb, timwolla) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Sep 29 2022 Remi Collet remi@remirepo.net - 8.0.24-1 - Update to 8.0.24 - http://www.php.net/releases/8_0_24.php --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2022-afdea1c747' at the command line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html#upgrade-command-label
All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/keys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------