-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fedora Update Notification FEDORA-2020-f773ed04f3 2020-12-04 00:30:05.645616 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name : gnome-feeds Product : Fedora 32 Version : 0.16.1 Release : 1.fc32 URL : https://gabmus.gitlab.io/gnome-feeds Summary : RSS/Atom feed reader for GNOME Description : GNOME Feeds is a minimal RSS/Atom feed reader built with speed and simplicity in mind.
It offers a simple user interface that only shows the latest news from your subscriptions.
Articles are shown in a web view by default, with javascript disabled for a faster and less intrusive user experience. There's also a reader mode included, built from the one GNOME Web/Epiphany uses.
Feeds can be imported and exported via OPML.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Nov 13 2020 Artem Polishchuk ego.cordatus@gmail.com - 0.16.1-1 - build(update): 0.16.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This update can be installed with the "dnf" update program. Use su -c 'dnf upgrade --advisory FEDORA-2020-f773ed04f3' at the command line. For more information, refer to the dnf documentation available at http://dnf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html#upgrade-command-label
All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key. More details on the GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/keys --------------------------------------------------------------------------------