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Summary: Merge Review: dovecot changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|NEEDINFO |ASSIGNED Flag|needinfo?(| |m) |
------- Additional Comments From 2007-03-02 10:01 EST ------- Hi Jef, thanks for your review, I applied your diff and commited, just changed the section removing .la/.a files to use find instead. My comments follow:
(In reply to comment #1)
? MUST: Every binary RPM package which stores shared library files (not just symlinks) in any of the dynamic linker's default paths, must call ldconfig in %post and %postun. If the package has multiple subpackages with libraries, each subpackage should also have a %post/%postun section that calls /sbin/ldconfig. Comment: shared libs exist in /usr/lib/dovecot but they appear to be simple plugins for dovecot's own runtime use and not meant for linking. if this is the case, then no corrections need to be made. Please confirm that the items in /usr/lib/dovecot are not meant to be dynamically linkable libraries.
I confirm that.
E: dovecot configure-without-libdir-spec ????? I am not sure what rpmlint is trying to tell us here.
This is probably a rpmlint bug, the libdir is passed by %configure itself.
E: dovecot non-readable /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem 0600 E: dovecot non-standard-uid /var/lib/dovecot dovecot E: dovecot non-standard-gid /var/lib/dovecot dovecot E: dovecot non-standard-dir-perm /var/lib/dovecot 0750 E: dovecot non-standard-gid /var/run/dovecot/login dovecot E: dovecot non-standard-dir-perm /var/run/dovecot/login 0750 E: dovecot non-readable /etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem 0600 .... all of these rpmlint errors appear to be bogus to me. Please confirm that the permissions and ownership are as intended for these.
Yes, they are.
W: dovecot dangerous-command-in-%pre rm W: dovecot dangerous-command-in-%post mv W: dovecot dangerous-command-in-%preun userdel .... I think these warnings are bogus. Though you may want to look back over the use of the rm and mv commands to see if they are still needed. I think I understand why the restart_flag logic is present. But I do not understand why the ssl cert manipulation logic block is in %post. All the file location testing and conditional use of mv. What cases trigger the mv commands? Is this logic meant for now EOL'd fedora and rhl releases?
Yeah, the certificate paths used to be different, this block moves them to new location.
(In reply to comment #4)
If there is no -devel package, does that stop someone from being able to build something like against it? I know that Sieve will not build the way dovecot is currently packaged, because the Sieve program needs to be able to find a file called dovecot-config in the "compiled Dovecot sources". I do not know what the correct way to handle this but I ask that you take my comments into consideration, in case someone would like to use Dovecot-Sive with this package.
I didn't find any easy way to make dovecot-sieve compile against packaged version. It just wants access to the dovecot build dir. I might create a -devel package in the future as upstream added an option to install headers, but the location of things is probably still not ok. Regarding dovecot-sieve, we'll probably build that from the same source package.