--- Comment #5 from Parag AN(पराग) --- sorry for late comment. I was supposed to post this review last weekend.
Issues to be fixed:
1) The descriptions in SPEC is in "reStructuredText" format, make it normal text format. The other noticeable thing is that the description text start with package name. We don't write description like that. Drop the package name and keep rest of the text.
2) Like many other pypi packages, this package also did not add tests and license file in tarball. In this case we can think to use github released tarball but upstream has not tagged/released recent tarballs on github.
Better add license file as separate source as given below in SPEC file.
then at the end of %prep section add cp -p %{SOURCE1} .
then in %files section add line for this license file as %license LICENSE
3) Running test in %check also have problem because pypi tarball contains only 1 upstream file from tests directory. This is just note here no action needed for this issue.
4) As per guidelines, you need to add your email address in changelog. Everytime you make a change in SPEC file, bump the release tag, add a new changelog entry describing what got changed from last release and submit new URLS for further package review.