On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:
In which case we're ending up with no way of knowing which version of 0.0.1 we
built since upstream may tag it multiple times (and people do!).

People can do all kinds of things not only in Git, but other VCS platforms to 
cause mischief.  Once you tag something, you shouldn't change it.  It just 
isn't a good practice, especially if you're creating a package for distribution.  

Nothing is preventing someone from changing an archive and using the same name.  
If I was working on a package with upstream
and found that they were abusing tags, I'd point out to them why they shouldn't be
doing that.  I've found that when you explain something, most people get it.

Regarding the packaging guidelines, I've put together a draft revision of the SourceURL
document that I plan to submit to FPC.  

You can review it here: