On Fri, 09 Jan 2015 10:06:55 +0100 Vít Ondruch vondruch@redhat.com wrote:
Dne 8.1.2015 v 09:18 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
Dne 5.1.2015 v 17:35 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
On 12/23/2014 09:54 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
So how about Removing gcc, gcc-c++ and make (or something more?) from the exception list as a start? Then after while (lets say F24 timeframe) remove the packages from the minimal build root. In the mean time, rpmlint can be updated to throw an error in case it detects that any of these packages is in use.
I opened FPC ticket requesting this change:
Anybody form FESCo minds to comment on this ticket? Does it need FESCo's attention?
I'm just one FESCo member, not speaking for everyone, but IMHO yes.
It's a change that would affect a large swath of packages.
So, I would say it needs some discussion on devel list, then run by FESCo and announcements, etc. Likely also a f22 Change to have a place to point people who miss the discussions.
I'm not against it, but it seems like a fair bit of work...