Both BackupPC-XS and perl-File-RsyncP ship autoconf-compiled configure scripts, but do not include the corresponding source code. This means that Fedora currently does not ship full sources for these programs.
Fedora-legal told me to report this here; they consider such Fedora policy violations out of scope for their work:
Missing sources for BackupPC-XS
Thanks, Florian
V Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 12:21:36PM +0100, Florian Weimer napsal(a):
Both BackupPC-XS and perl-File-RsyncP ship autoconf-compiled configure scripts, but do not include the corresponding source code. This means that Fedora currently does not ship full sources for these programs.
Fedora-legal told me to report this here; they consider such Fedora policy violations out of scope for their work:
Missing sources for BackupPC-XS
Good catch. I opened for perl-File-RsyncP package and for BackupPC-XS package.
-- Petr
* Petr Pisar:
V Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 12:21:36PM +0100, Florian Weimer napsal(a):
Both BackupPC-XS and perl-File-RsyncP ship autoconf-compiled configure scripts, but do not include the corresponding source code. This means that Fedora currently does not ship full sources for these programs.
Fedora-legal told me to report this here; they consider such Fedora policy violations out of scope for their work:
Missing sources for BackupPC-XS
Good catch. I opened for perl-File-RsyncP package and for BackupPC-XS package.
Thanks. Whath's the proper way of reporting this? There are more packages like this.
V Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 09:51:12AM +0100, Florian Weimer napsal(a):
- Petr Pisar:
V Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 12:21:36PM +0100, Florian Weimer napsal(a):
Both BackupPC-XS and perl-File-RsyncP ship autoconf-compiled configure scripts, but do not include the corresponding source code. This means that Fedora currently does not ship full sources for these programs.
Fedora-legal told me to report this here; they consider such Fedora policy violations out of scope for their work:
Missing sources for BackupPC-XS
Good catch. I opened for perl-File-RsyncP package and for BackupPC-XS package.
Thanks. Whath's the proper way of reporting this? There are more packages like this.
Those are bugs in the packages, thus use our Bugzilla.
-- Petr