--- Comment #2 from Paul Howarth --- The reasoning for this looks to be that the upstream Lexical-Var distribution (which contains Lexical::Sub, and provides support for lexical exports in the absence of native support, i.e. prior to 5.37.2) hasn't been updated for the best part of a decade and is broken with Perl 5.22 onwards. The Fedora perl-Lexical-Var package includes a patch to fix this (see also, as does the CPAN distribution Alt::Lexical::Var::ButSupportModernPerl.
The approach taken in Exporter::Tiny, which recently added lexical export support, is to check for the availability of Lexical::Sub at runtime and use it if available. It adds a "recommends" dependency on Lexical::Sub or Alt::Lexical::Var::ButSupportModernPerl (depending on the perl version) in the Makefile.PL to support that. The Fedora package just has a build dep (for testing) of perl(Lexical::Sub) and a Recommends: for it at runtime. Maybe Sub::Exporter::Lexical could do something similar?