Hey all,

Earlier today, Adam Williamson blew a gasket when trying to update ownCloud to the newest upstream release[0]. As a user of the ownCloud package, this is really unfortunate, as I look forward to new releases of ownCloud for EL7 and Fedora. However, as a packager, I sympathize with him, as PHP software has become increasingly difficult to deal with on this. 

I've considered packaging some PHP based software myself; however, the rapid adoption of Composer and the complexity of dealing with that has put me off. What surprises me is that we don't yet have some kind of macro for "automagically" handling the ugly composer stuff.

For example, couldn't a "%phpcomposer" macro be set up to utilize an internal packagist that has php libraries and software installed as BuildRequires registered to enable utilizing it locally and a helper to generate the working autoloader necessary for being able to use unbundled PHP libraries?

Perhaps I'm missing something that would make that idea impossible, but I'm spitballing ideas here because it's pretty horrible that PHP software seems to be trending towards not being packageable.

Any thoughts on how the situation could be improved so that more people like Adam don't snap from trying to package PHP-based software?

[0]: https://www.happyassassin.net/2015/08/29/looking-for-new-maintainer-for-fedora-epel-owncloud-packages/

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!