Hello Guillaume --

I was waiting for a package to be updated in rawhide (php-phpunit-PHPUnit >= 3.7.15) before I could finish the Symfony 2.2.0 upgrade in rawhide.  I just checked and the package has been updated.  I will finish building all 2.2.0 RPMs in koji today or tomorrow so the complete 2.2 suite is available there for everyone (currently only a subset exists).  Symfony 2.2.1 was released recently and I am planning on updating rawhide to that latest version before pushing anywhere else.  Currently I am planning on pushing Symfony 2.2 to F18+ (I will need to work with Remi for the F18/F19 release so PHPUnit is updated at the same time).  If I push to EPEL6 I will break PHPUnit so I will need to work with Remi for that dist.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:28 AM, Guillaume Kulakowski <guillaume.kulakowski@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

just to know if Symfony 2.2 is also planned in F19 and perhaps F18/F17/EPEL6 ?


Guillaume Kulakowski
French Fedora Ambassador
Webmaster of the French Fedora related website
XMPP: llaumgui@gmail.com | Twitter: @llaumgui