By the way, I will update php-twig-Twig to the latest 1.15.1 and I will submit a new non-PEAR pkg review request after the next release that does not use PEAR.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Remi Collet <> wrote:
Le 14/02/2014 16:18, Christof Damian a écrit :
> Are there any guidelines for packaging composer packages in the works?

There is no Guidelines as composer is just irrelevant for packaging.

- Composer target is bundled library in project vendor lib.
- Pear target is system shared library.

You just have to package it as a simple library under /usr/share/php, as
a lot are already packaged. When possible, PSR-0 compliant library, have
to be installed for autoloader to work using default include_path.

The only benefit, for us, with composer is the (usually) well described
dependencies in composer.json.

As an example, you can look at the php-symfony packages which have
recently moved from PEAR channel to Github sources.


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