I just have a look to RHEL 6 Beta
Some extensions available in Fedora are not in RHEL.
So the php-extras package could be adapted to provides them, taken from 5.3.1 sources (I could work on it, if you agree).
Here is the list :
imap interbase pdo_firebird mssql pdo_dblib sqlite3
I'm quite surprised for php-imap. I don't see uw-imap nor libc-client in RHEL (uw-imap is in EPEL).
Joe can you give us more information about this ?
I think a lot of web applications (webmail, ticketing, and others) rely on this extension.
Regards, Remi.
On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 07:04:54PM +0200, Remi Collet wrote:
So the php-extras package could be adapted to provides them, taken from 5.3.1 sources (I could work on it, if you agree).
Here is the list :
imap interbase pdo_firebird mssql pdo_dblib sqlite3
I'm quite surprised for php-imap. I don't see uw-imap nor libc-client in RHEL (uw-imap is in EPEL).
Joe can you give us more information about this ?
Hi Remi. Yes, we're planning to add back imap by packaging libc-client from uw-imap as in RHEL5. I'll try to make available for testing the set of 5.3.2 packages with -imap back in, once they are ready.
sqlite3 is in php-pdo as per Fedora. We're not planning to ship mssql/dblib/firebird/interbase support.
Regards, Joe
AS RHEL-6 will provide PHP 5.3, I have ask for a new EPEL-6 branch for php-pecl-ncurses (php-curses no more provided by main php).
I also ask for some pear of my packages, not branched, because not available in EL-5. php-pear-Cache php-pear-HTTP-OAuth php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode php-pear-Services-Twitter php-pear-Services-Weather php-phpunit-PHPUnit php-symfony-YAML (waiting for php-channel-symfony) php-pecl-ncurses
And I will delete php-pear-PHPUnit (as in F-13)
There is probably a lot of other PHP packages which are not available in EL-5 (because of php or pear version) and which can be imported in EL-6.