On 04/28/2011 11:47 PM, Karsten Hopp wrote:
Am 28.04.2011 20:24, schrieb David Woodhouse:
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 13:36 -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
Additional items to cover are:
- Are ppc32 machines supported? Specifically I'm thinking of Apple
G4 machines, but we used to build a bunch of Freescale device drivers and such as well for machines in the 6xx class.
We should definitely continue to support ppc32 machines. There are a *lot* of embedded ppc32 machines around.
- Which machine type are supported? Seems POWER7, possibly POWER6
and 5. I would imagine we would want to explicitly drop PS3 support given it's limited memory (vs initrd) and the fact that it's not really sustainable as a machine due to firmware changes. However, do we support Apple G5 and Powerstation machines? (I think yes, but it's unclear).
Well, as I have an Apple G5 and even created the mentioned DVD iso on it I will be quite unhappy if I can't install the latest Fedora on it. Looks good so far, even the big initrd isn't an issue on that machine as long as I don't try a network install (tftp limitations)
What packages still *don't* build in the 64-bit versions, and would be missing (or bizarrely 32-bit-only) if we have 64-bit as the primary arch on ppc64?
We were typically just not caring about the PPC64 ExcludeArch tracker bug, although I have a distinct recollection of getting drunk in a Shanghai hotel room at one point and doing OCaml support. Is that still in the Fedora packages?
Fortunately your ppc64 ocaml patch still works, although it got deleted on the primary archs. You don't happen to be in Germany anytime soon ? If getting you drunk results in a 64bit yaboot I'm sure I'll find a nice pub somewhere around here ;-)
Hey guys,
where in Germany are you (or anybody else on this list) located, approximately?
Creating 64bit images with an additional 32bit glibc just for yaboot is suboptimal, but seems to work so far. I stil need to convince mash to pull that in during the compose, though. I'd appreciate it if someone could have a look at yaboot, but if that's too much work we can keep it that way while waiting for grub2.