Anyone using FC4/rawhide X with an "Apple Cinema Display 20-inch widescreen" connected by DVI to the Radeon 9600 that came in the G5? It's all wonky. aI copied some xorg.conf magic from a YellowDog install that works, which makes it manage the aspect ratio, but I think at low resolution. The colors are way, way off.
Also, what about console (non-X) screenblanking for the LCD? It sits there all night with the backlight on. Is the support to control this missing?
Thanks, Roland
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 20:52 -0700, Roland McGrath wrote:
Anyone using FC4/rawhide X with an "Apple Cinema Display 20-inch widescreen" connected by DVI to the Radeon 9600 that came in the G5? It's all wonky.
I'm using a Mac Mini with the 23" LCD with rawhide. I'm using the UseFBDev option and a custom mode line. xorg.conf attached.
cheers, Kristian
On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 22:19 -0700, Roland McGrath wrote:
How did you produce that modeline?
Don't know if the YDL tool, Xautoconfig has been configured to use these larger screens, but that one generates nice modelines for you