Compose started at Wed Jul 29 08:10:03 UTC 2015 New package: arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs-2.25-2.fc23 GNU Binutils for cross-compilation for arm-none-eabi target
New package: ghc-aeson- Fast JSON parsing and encoding
New package: ghc-concrete-typerep- Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep
New package: ghc-css-text- CSS parser and renderer
New package: ghc-enumerator-0.4.20-2.fc23 Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators
New package: ghc-http-date-0.0.4-3.fc23 HTTP Date parser and formatter
New package: ghc-http-types-0.8.5-2.fc23 Generic HTTP types for Haskell
New package: ghc-language-java-0.2.7-3.fc23 Java source manipulation
New package: ghc-lifted-base- Lifted IO operations from the base library
New package: ghc-streaming-commons- Common lower-level functions for streaming data libraries
New package: ghc-xml-types-0.3.4-2.fc23 Basic types for representing XML
New package: mocha-1.18.2-3.fc23 A simple, flexible, fun test framework for Node.js
New package: node-gyp-0.10.6-5.fc23 Node.js native addon build tool
New package: nodejs-abbrev-1.0.4-9.fc23 Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
New package: nodejs-ansi-0.2.1-3.fc23 ANSI escape codes for Node.js
New package: nodejs-asap-1.0.0-3.fc23 High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser
New package: nodejs-asn1-0.1.11-6.fc23 Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
New package: nodejs-assert-plus-0.1.4-3.fc23 Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
New package: nodejs-async-0.2.10-3.fc23 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
New package: nodejs-aws-sign-0.3.0-4.fc23 AWS signing for Node.js
New package: nodejs-block-stream-0.0.7-3.fc23 A stream of blocks
New package: nodejs-boom-0.4.2-5.fc23 HTTP friendly error objects
New package: nodejs-camel-case-1.1.2-1.fc23 Camel case a string
New package: nodejs-character-parser-1.2.0-3.fc23 Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in templates
New package: nodejs-clean-css-3.3.3-1.fc23 A well-tested CSS minifier
New package: nodejs-combined-stream-0.0.4-6.fc23 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
New package: nodejs-commander-2.2.0-3.fc23 Node.js command-line interfaces made easy
New package: nodejs-constant-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 Constant case a string
New package: nodejs-constantinople-2.0.0-5.fc23 Determine whether a JavaScript expression evaluates to a constant
New package: nodejs-cookie-jar-0.3.0-4.fc23 A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-cryptiles-0.2.2-3.fc23 General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
New package: nodejs-css-1.6.0-3.fc23 A CSS parser/stringifier for Node.js using css-parse and css-stringify
New package: nodejs-css-parse-1.7.0-4.fc23 A JavaScript CSS parser for Node.js and the browser
New package: nodejs-css-stringify-1.4.1-3.fc23 A CSS compiler for Node.js
New package: nodejs-ctype-0.5.3-6.fc23 Read and write binary structures and data types with Node.js
New package: nodejs-date-now-1.0.1-2.fc23 A requirable version of
New package: nodejs-debug-0.8.1-3.fc23 A small debugging utility for Node.js
New package: nodejs-defs-1.0.0-3.fc23 Static scope analysis and transpilation
New package: nodejs-delayed-stream-0.0.5-8.fc23 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
New package: nodejs-diff-1.0.8-3.fc23 A JavaScript text diff implementation for Node.js
New package: nodejs-forever-agent-0.5.0-4.fc23 HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
New package: nodejs-form-data-0.1.1-3.fc23 A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
New package: nodejs-fstream-0.1.24-3.fc23 Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
New package: nodejs-github-url-from-git-1.1.1-5.fc23 Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL
New package: nodejs-glob-3.2.6-3.fc23 A little globber for Node.js
New package: nodejs-globule-0.2.0-3.fc23 An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-gonzales-pe-3.0.0-0.3.9.fc23 Gonzales Preprocessor Edition (fast CSS parser)
New package: nodejs-graceful-fs-2.0.0-5.fc23 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
New package: nodejs-grip-0.1.5-5.fc23 Generic Realtime Intermediary Protocol (GRIP) library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-growl-1.7.0-7.fc23 Growl unobtrusive notifications for Node.js
New package: nodejs-grunt-0.4.4-5.fc23 Grunt is a JavaScript library used for automation and running tasks
New package: nodejs-grunt-angular-templates-0.5.7-3.fc23 Grunt build task to concatenate & register your AngularJS templates
New package: nodejs-grunt-banner-0.3.1-2.fc23 Adds a simple banner to files
New package: nodejs-grunt-cli-0.1.13-3.fc23 Command-line interface for Grunt, the JavaScript testing framework
New package: nodejs-grunt-compare-size-0.4.0-3.fc23 Compare file sizes on this branch to master
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean-0.5.0-3.fc23 A Grunt plugin to clean files and folders
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat-0.4.0-3.fc23 Concatenate files with grunt
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-connect-0.8.0-3.fc23 Start a connect web server
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-copy-0.8.0-2.fc23 Copy files and folders
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin-0.12.3-2.fc23 Compress CSS files
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal-0.4.9-3.fc23 Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib project
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-nodeunit-0.3.3-3.fc23 Run Nodeunit unit tests with grunt
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify-0.5.0-2.fc23 Minify files with UglifyJS
New package: nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch-0.6.1-3.fc23 Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added/changed/deleted
New package: nodejs-grunt-init-0.3.1-3.fc23 Generate project scaffolding from a template when using Grunt
New package: nodejs-grunt-legacy-util-0.1.2-3.fc23 Deprecated Grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility
New package: nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib-0.6.1-5.fc23 Common functionality shared across grunt-contrib tasks
New package: nodejs-grunt-saucelabs-8.6.1-2.fc23 Grunt task running tests using Sauce Labs
New package: nodejs-gzip-size-0.1.0-3.fc23 Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer
New package: nodejs-handlebars-3.0.3-2.fc23 Mustache extension for Node.js
New package: nodejs-has-color-0.1.7-3.fc23 Detects whether a terminal supports color
New package: nodejs-hash_file-0.1.1-2.fc23 A simple utility for getting a hash of a file
New package: nodejs-hawk-1.0.0-3.fc23 HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
New package: nodejs-highlight-js-8.0.0-5.fc23 Highlight.js syntax highlighting with language auto-detection for Node.js
New package: nodejs-hoek-0.9.1-4.fc23 General purpose Node.js utilities
New package: nodejs-hooker-0.2.3-7.fc23 Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging
New package: nodejs-http-signature-0.10.0-6.fc23 Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
New package: nodejs-i-0.3.2-3.fc23 Custom inflections for Node.js
New package: nodejs-i18n-transform-1.1.1-2.fc23 i18n transforms to a json object.
New package: nodejs-iconv-lite-0.2.11-3.fc23 Convert character encodings in pure JavaScript
New package: nodejs-infinity-agent-2.0.3-1.fc23 Creates HTTP/HTTPS Agent with Infinity maxSockets
New package: nodejs-inherits-2.0.1-6.fc23 A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
New package: nodejs-inherits1-1.0.0-14.fc23 A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS - legacy version
New package: nodejs-ini-1.1.0-6.fc23 An INI parser/serializer for node.js
New package: nodejs-init-package-json-0.0.10-4.fc23 A node module to get your node module started
New package: nodejs-ip-0.3.2-2.fc23 IP address utilities for node.js
New package: nodejs-is-lower-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 Check if a string is lower cased
New package: nodejs-is-stream-1.0.1-2.fc23 Check if something is a Node.js stream
New package: nodejs-iso8601-1.1.1-8.fc23 Node.js module to parse and print ISO8601 dates
New package: nodejs-isodate-0.1.4-6.fc23 JavaScript ISO 8601 date/time parser for Node.js
New package: nodejs-jade-1.3.1-3.fc23 Jade template engine for Node.js
New package: nodejs-jasmine-reporters-0.4.1-3.fc23 Reporters for the Jasmine behavior-driven development (BDD) framework
New package: nodejs-joose-3.50.0-5.fc23 Post modern self-hosting meta object system for JavaScript
New package: nodejs-joosex-namespace-depended-0.18.0-4.fc23 Cross-platform (browser/NodeJS), non-blocking, handling of dependencies
New package: nodejs-joosex-simplerequest-0.2.2-6.fc23 Simple XHR request abstraction for Node.js
New package: nodejs-js-base64-2.1.7-2.fc23 Yet another Base64 transcoder in pure-JS
New package: nodejs-js-yaml-2.1.3-3.fc23 YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
New package: nodejs-jscoverage-0.3.8-4.fc23 A JavaScript coverage tool for Node.js and browser development
New package: nodejs-json-localizer-0.0.2-2.fc23 Utility to localize a JSON object
New package: nodejs-json-stringify-safe-5.0.0-4.fc23 JSON.stringify that handles circular references
New package: nodejs-keypress-0.2.1-3.fc23 Make any Node ReadableStream emit "keypress" events
New package: nodejs-langdetect-0.2.0-2.fc23 Language detection library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-lazystream-0.1.0-2.fc23 Create streams lazily when they are read from or written to
New package: nodejs-leaflet-0.7.3-3.fc23 An open source JavaScript Library for Interactive Maps
New package: nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder-0.0.6-2.fc23 Helpers to build forms in Leaflet
New package: nodejs-less-1.7.5-2.fc23 Less.js The dynamic stylesheet language
New package: nodejs-linify-1.0.1-5.fc23 Transform a file's line endings from `\r\n` to `\n`
New package: nodejs-lockfile-0.4.2-3.fc23 A very polite lock file utility
New package: nodejs-lodash-cli-2.4.1-3.fc23 The Lo-Dash command-line interface
New package: nodejs-lodash-node-2.4.1-4.fc23 A collection of Lo-Dash methods as Node.js modules
New package: nodejs-lower-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 Lowercase a string
New package: nodejs-lru-cache-2.3.0-6.fc23 A least recently used cache object for Node.js
New package: nodejs-ltx-0.5.0-3.fc23 A Node.js module for parsing, modifying and building XML
New package: nodejs-map-stream-0.1.0-2.fc23 Construct pipes of streams of events
New package: nodejs-mapnik-pool-0.1.1-2.fc23 Manage a pool of mapnik instances
New package: nodejs-mapnik-vector-tile-0.6.2-6.fc23 Mapnik API for working with vector tiles
New package: nodejs-markdown-0.5.0-3.fc23 A sensible Markdown parser for JavaScript
New package: nodejs-maxmin-0.2.0-3.fc23 Get pretty output of the original, minified gzipped size of a string/buffer
New package: nodejs-merge-descriptors-0.0.2-3.fc23 A Node.js module to merge objects using descriptors
New package: nodejs-method-override-1.0.0-3.fc23 Provides faux HTTP method support for Connect
New package: nodejs-methods-0.1.0-3.fc23 HTTP methods that node supports
New package: nodejs-millstone-0.6.16-2.fc23 Prepares data sources in an MML file for consumption in Mapnik
New package: nodejs-mime-1.2.11-3.fc23 A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
New package: nodejs-mimeparse-0.1.4-4.fc23 A Node.js module with basic functions for handling mime-types
New package: nodejs-minimatch-0.2.12-5.fc23 JavaScript glob matcher
New package: nodejs-minstache-1.2.0-2.fc23 Mini mustache template engine
New package: nodejs-mkdirp-0.3.5-6.fc23 Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
New package: nodejs-moment-2.8.3-3.fc23 Parse, manipulate and display dates
New package: nodejs-monocle-1.1.51-4.fc23 A tool for watching directories for file changes
New package: nodejs-morgan-1.0.0-4.fc23 Logging middleware for Connect
New package: nodejs-ms-0.6.2-3.fc23 Tiny milliseconds conversion utility for Node.js
New package: nodejs-muffin-0.9.0-6.fc23 Node.js module with handy helpers for building Cakefiles
New package: nodejs-multiparty-3.2.4-3.fc23 A multipart/form-data parser for Node.js which supports streaming
New package: nodejs-mustache-1.0.0-3.fc23 mustache.js is an implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript
New package: nodejs-nan-1.8.4-2.fc23 Native Abstractions for Node.js
New package: nodejs-nan0-0.8.0-4.fc23 Native Abstractions for Node.js
New package: nodejs-ncp-0.5.1-3.fc23 Asynchronous recursive file copy utility for Node.js
New package: nodejs-negotiator-0.4.3-3.fc23 An HTTP content negotiator for Node.js
New package: nodejs-netmask-1.0.5-2.fc23 Parse and lookup IP network blocks
New package: nodejs-node-markdown-0.1.1-5.fc23 Parse markdown syntax with Node.js
New package: nodejs-node-print-0.0.4-3.fc23 Printf in JavaScript Node.js module
New package: nodejs-node-uuid-1.4.1-3.fc23 Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
New package: nodejs-nomnom-1.8.0-2.fc23 Nodejs option parser with generated usage and commands
New package: nodejs-nopt-2.1.2-3.fc23 Node.js option parsing
New package: nodejs-noptify-0.0.3-4.fc23 A wrapper for the nopt module with a commander-like API
New package: nodejs-normalize-path-0.3.0-2.fc23 Nodejs library for normalizing filesystem paths
New package: nodejs-npm-registry-client-0.2.28-4.fc23 Client for the npm registry
New package: nodejs-npm-stats-1.1.0-2.fc23 Convenience module for getting back data from an NPM registry
New package: nodejs-npm-user-validate-0.0.3-4.fc23 Username, password, and e-mail validation for the npm registry
New package: nodejs-npmconf-0.1.3-3.fc23 npm configuration module
New package: nodejs-npmlog-0.0.4-4.fc23 Logger for npm
New package: nodejs-nsp-api-1.0.3-2.fc23 Node.js module for NSP API
New package: nodejs-oauth-0.9.13-2.fc23 Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo
New package: nodejs-oauth-sign-0.3.0-4.fc23 OAuth1 signing for Node.js
New package: nodejs-object-inspect-1.0.0-3.fc23 String representations of objects in node and the browser
New package: nodejs-once-1.1.1-8.fc23 Run a function exactly one time
New package: nodejs-open-0.0.5-3.fc23 Open a file or url in the user's preferred application
New package: nodejs-opts-1.2.2-8.fc23 Javascript Command Line Options for Node.js
New package: nodejs-osenv-0.0.3-8.fc23 Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
New package: nodejs-package-info-2.2.0-3.fc23 Get the information of a npm package
New package: nodejs-packaging-7-4.fc23 RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
New package: nodejs-paperboy-0.0.5-4.fc23 A node.js module for delivering static files
New package: nodejs-param-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 Param case a string
New package: nodejs-parserlib-0.2.5-2.fc23 CSS3 SAX-inspired parser
New package: nodejs-parseurl-1.0.1-3.fc23 Parse a URL with memoization
New package: nodejs-pascal-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 Pascal case a string
New package: nodejs-passport-oauth1-1.0.1-3.fc23 OAuth 1.0 authentication strategy for Passport
New package: nodejs-passport-oauth2-1.1.2-3.fc23 OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport
New package: nodejs-passport-strategy-1.0.0-3.fc23 An abstract class implementing Passport's strategy API
New package: nodejs-path-case-1.1.1-2.fc23 Path case a string
New package: nodejs-pause-0.0.1-5.fc23 Node.js module to pause streams
New package: nodejs-pkginfo-0.3.0-6.fc23 An easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json
New package: nodejs-posix-getopt-1.1.0-2.fc23 POSIX-style getopt() for Node.js
New package: nodejs-prepend-http-1.0.1-2.fc23 Prepend http:// to humanized URLs like and localhost
New package: nodejs-private-0.1.5-2.fc23 Utility for associating truly private state with any JavaScript object
New package: nodejs-promise-4.0.0-3.fc23 Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js
New package: nodejs-prompt-0.2.12-3.fc23 A beautiful command-line prompt for Node.js
New package: nodejs-promzard-0.2.0-9.fc23 A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
New package: nodejs-proto-list-1.2.2-8.fc23 A list of objects bound by prototype chain
New package: nodejs-proxyquire-1.4.0-2.fc23 Proxies Node.js require to allow overriding dependencies
New package: nodejs-pubcontrol-0.3.5-3.fc23 HTTP Extensible Pubsub Control Protocol (EPCP) library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-q-io-1.11.0-2.fc23 Interfaces for IO using Q promises in JavaScript on Node.js
New package: nodejs-qs-0.6.6-4.fc23 Query string parser for Node.js
New package: nodejs-range-parser-1.0.0-3.fc23 Range header field string parser for Node.js
New package: nodejs-raw-body-1.1.4-3.fc23 Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream
New package: nodejs-rc-0.6.0-2.fc23 Hardwired configuration loader
New package: nodejs-read-1.0.5-3.fc23 An implementation of read(1) for node programs
New package: nodejs-read-installed-0.2.4-4.fc23 Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
New package: nodejs-read-package-json-1.1.3-3.fc23 npm's package.json parser
New package: nodejs-readdirp-0.4.0-3.fc23 Recursive version of Node's fs.readdir with a streaming API
New package: nodejs-reduce-component-1.0.1-3.fc23 An array reduce component for Node.js
New package: nodejs-relateurl-0.2.6-2.fc23 Minify URLs by converting them from absolute to relative
New package: nodejs-replace-0.3.0-3.fc23 Command line search and replace utility using Nodejs
New package: nodejs-request-2.25.0-3.fc23 Simplified HTTP request client
New package: nodejs-require-cs-0.4.4-3.fc23 An AMD loader plugin for CoffeeScript
New package: nodejs-require-uncached-1.0.2-3.fc23 Require a module bypassing the cache
New package: nodejs-requirejs-2.1.11-4.fc23 Node.js adapter for RequireJS, for loading AMD modules
New package: nodejs-resolve-0.5.0-3.fc23 Resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously/synchronously
New package: nodejs-resolve-from-1.0.0-2.fc23 Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path
New package: nodejs-response-time-1.0.0-3.fc23 X-Response-Time header for Node.js and Connect
New package: nodejs-resumer-0.0.0-2.fc23 A stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tick
New package: nodejs-retry-0.6.0-8.fc23 Retry strategies for failed operations
New package: nodejs-revalidator-0.1.7-3.fc23 A cross-browser/Node.js validator used by resourceful
New package: nodejs-rimraf-2.2.2-3.fc23 A deep deletion module for node.js
New package: nodejs-ronn-0.4.0-6.fc23 Markdown to roff/html converter
New package: nodejs-runforcover-0.0.2-6.fc23 Require plugin for JS code coverage
New package: nodejs-sauce-tunnel-2.2.2-2.fc23 A wrapper around the Sauce Labs tunnel jar
New package: nodejs-saucelabs-0.1.1-3.fc23 A wrapper around Sauce Labs REST API
New package: nodejs-sax-0.6.0-3.fc23 A streaming SAX-style XML parser in JavaScript for Node.js
New package: nodejs-scmp-0.0.3-3.fc23 Constant-time string comparison intended to be safer against timing attacks
New package: nodejs-semver-2.1.0-4.fc23 Semantic versioner for npm
New package: nodejs-send-0.3.0-5.fc23 Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET support
New package: nodejs-sentence-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 Sentence case a string
New package: nodejs-serve-index-1.0.1-5.fc23 Middleware for serving directory listings for Node.js and Connect
New package: nodejs-serve-static-1.1.0-3.fc23 Middleware for serving static files for Node.js and Connect
New package: nodejs-set-immediate-0.1.1-2.fc23 A shim for the setImmediate API
New package: nodejs-setimmediate-1.0.1-3.fc23 A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API
New package: nodejs-sha-1.2.1-3.fc23 Check and get file hashes
New package: nodejs-should-3.3.1-3.fc23 A test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions for Node.js
New package: nodejs-showdown-0.3.1-7.fc23 A JavaScript port of the original Perl version of Markdown
New package: nodejs-sigmund-1.0.0-8.fc23 Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
New package: nodejs-silent-npm-registry-client-0.0.1-2.fc23 Npm registry client that doesn't spam stdout/stderr
New package: nodejs-simple-assert-1.0.0-4.fc23 Vanilla assertions for Node.js
New package: nodejs-simple-is-0.2.0-2.fc23 Maximally minimal type-testing library
New package: nodejs-slide-1.1.5-3.fc23 A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
New package: nodejs-sntp-0.2.4-4.fc23 SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
New package: nodejs-socks-proxy-agent-1.0.0-2.fc23 A SOCKS (v4a) proxy http.Agent implementation
New package: nodejs-source-map-0.1.33-3.fc23 Node.js library that generates and consumes source maps
New package: nodejs-speedometer-0.1.4-2.fc23 Simple speed measurement in Javascript
New package: nodejs-stable-0.1.5-2.fc23 A stable array sort for JavaScript
New package: nodejs-static-favicon-1.0.2-3.fc23 Favicon serving middleware with caching for Node.js and Connect
New package: nodejs-statuses-1.2.1-3.fc23 HTTP status utility
New package: nodejs-stream-combiner-0.2.1-2.fc23 Turn a pipeline into a single stream
New package: nodejs-stream-counter-0.2.0-4.fc23 Keeps track of how many bytes have been written to a stream
New package: nodejs-stream-reduce-1.0.3-2.fc23 Reduce stream data to a single value
New package: nodejs-stream-to-array-2.0.2-2.fc23 Concatenate a readable stream's data into a single array
New package: nodejs-stringmap-0.2.2-2.fc23 Fast and robust stringmap
New package: nodejs-stringset-0.2.1-2.fc23 Fast and robust stringset
New package: nodejs-strip-ansi-0.2.0-3.fc23 Strip ANSI escape codes (used for colorizing strings in the terminal)
New package: nodejs-strip-json-comments-1.0.2-2.fc23 Strip comments from JSON
New package: nodejs-strip-path-1.0.0-3.fc23 Strip a path from a path
New package: nodejs-strscanner-0.0.8-3.fc23 Lexical string analysis for javascript
New package: nodejs-stylus-0.44.0-4.fc23 Robust, expressive, and feature-rich CSS super-set for Node.js
New package: nodejs-supertest-0.11.0-3.fc23 A superagent driven library for testing HTTP servers
New package: nodejs-supports-color-1.2.0-3.fc23 Detect whether a terminal supports color
New package: nodejs-swap-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 Swap the case of a string
New package: nodejs-tar-0.1.18-3.fc23 Tar for Node.js
New package: nodejs-temp-0.7.0-3.fc23 Temporary files and directories for Node.js
New package: nodejs-temporary-0.0.8-3.fc23 An easy way to create temporary files and directories
New package: nodejs-tern-0.7.0-6.fc23 JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
New package: nodejs-text-table-0.2.0-2.fc23 Generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout
New package: nodejs-through-2.3.4-4.fc23 Simplified stream construction for Node.js
New package: nodejs-thunkify-2.1.2-2.fc23 Turn callbacks, arrays, generators, and more into thunks
New package: nodejs-tilejson-0.13.0-2.fc23 Tile source backend for online tile sources
New package: nodejs-tilelive-4.5.3-4.fc23 Frontend for various tile backends, mapnik and mbtiles
New package: nodejs-tilelive-mapnik-0.6.12-3.fc23 Mapnik backend for tilelive
New package: nodejs-tiletype-0.2.1-2.fc23 Detect common map tile formats from a buffer
New package: nodejs-tiny-lr-fork-0.0.5-5.fc23 A tiny LiveReload server implementation you can spawn in the background
New package: nodejs-title-case-1.1.1-1.fc23 Title case a string
New package: nodejs-transformers-3.0.0-6.fc23 String/Data transformations for Node.js
New package: nodejs-tryor-0.1.2-2.fc23 Return fn() or default value (in case of exception)
New package: nodejs-ttembed-js-0.1.0-2.fc23 Set embedding level of TrueType fonts module for Node.js
New package: nodejs-tunnel-agent-0.3.0-4.fc23 HTTP proxy tunneling agent
New package: nodejs-typeahead.js-0.10.5-3.fc23 Autocomplete library for JavaScript
New package: nodejs-typedarray-0.0.6-2.fc23 TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
New package: nodejs-uglify-to-browserify-1.0.2-4.fc23 A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify
New package: nodejs-uid-number-0.0.3-10.fc23 Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
New package: nodejs-ultron-1.0.1-4.fc23 Ultron is a high-intelligence robot
New package: nodejs-underscore-1.6.0-5.fc23 JavaScript's functional programming helper library
New package: nodejs-underscore-dot-logger-0.3.1-8.fc23 Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging
New package: nodejs-unicode-7.0.0-0.1.5-3.fc23 JavaScript-compatible Unicode 7.0.0 data
New package: nodejs-upper-case-1.1.2-2.fc23 Upper case a string
New package: nodejs-upper-case-first-1.1.1-1.fc23 Upper case the first character of a string
New package: nodejs-url2-1.0.0-4.fc23 The Node.js URL module plus relative paths
New package: nodejs-util-0.10.3-3.fc23 Node.JS util module
New package: nodejs-utile-0.2.1-4.fc23 A Node.js drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional functions
New package: nodejs-utilities-1.0.4-3.fc23 A classic collection of JavaScript utilities
New package: nodejs-utils-merge-1.0.0-3.fc23 Node.js module to merge properties between objects
New package: nodejs-vhost-1.0.0-3.fc23 Virtual domain hosting middleware for Node.js and Connect
New package: nodejs-vow-0.4.9-2.fc23 Promises/A+ proposal compatible promises library
New package: nodejs-vow-fs-0.3.2-4.fc23 File I/O by Vow
New package: nodejs-vow-queue-0.4.1-2.fc23 Vow-based task queue
New package: nodejs-vows-0.7.0-10.fc23 Asynchronous behavior-driven development (BDD) and continuous integration
New package: nodejs-w3cjs-0.1.25-5.fc23 A node.js module for using the w3c validator
New package: nodejs-walkdir-0.0.7-5.fc23 Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds
New package: nodejs-weak-map-1.0.5-2.fc23 A WeakMap shim for Node.js and browsers
New package: nodejs-websocket-driver-0.3.3-3.fc23 WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O for Node.js
New package: nodejs-which-1.0.5-11.fc23 A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
New package: nodejs-winston-0.7.3-3.fc23 A multiple transport asynchronous logging library for Node.js
New package: nodejs-with-3.0.0-5.fc23 Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript
New package: nodejs-wordwrap-0.0.2-6.fc23 Word wrapping library for node
New package: nodejs-wrappy-1.0.1-4.fc23 Callback wrapping utility
New package: nodejs-xml2js-0.4.9-2.fc23 Simple XML to JavaScript object converter
New package: nodejs-xmlbuilder-2.4.6-2.fc23 An XML builder for Node.js
New package: nodejs-xmldom-0.1.19-2.fc23 A W3C Standard XML DOM implementation and parser
New package: nodejs-xregexp-2.0.0-2.fc23 Extended JavaScript regular expressions
New package: nodejs-yargs-3.2.1-2.fc23 Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash
New package: nodejs-zlib-browserify-0.0.3-3.fc23 Wrapper for zlib.js to allow for use in browsers
New package: nodejs-zlibjs-0.2.0-3.fc23 JavaScript library reimplementing compression, made available for Node.js
New package: nodeunit-0.8.6-6.fc23 Easy asynchronous unit testing framework for Node.js
New package: npm-1.3.6-8.fc23 Node.js Package Manager
New package: statsd-0.7.2-5.fc23 A simple, lightweight network daemon to collect metrics over UDP
New package: uglify-js-2.4.13-7.fc23 JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
New package: uglify-js1-1.3.4-10.fc23 JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
New package: ycssmin-1.0.1-7.fc23 CSS minification tool
Removed package: UpTools-8.6.3-3.fc20 Removed package: akka-2.3.0-1.fc21 Removed package: apt-maven-plugin-1.0-0.9.alpha5.fc21 Removed package: clojure-compat-1.2.1-6.fc21 Removed package: clojure-contrib-1.2.0-5.fc20 Removed package: clojure-maven-plugin-1.3.10-5.fc20 Removed package: clucy-0.3.0-6.fc21 Removed package: cpm-0.23-0.12.beta.fc20 Removed package: epris-0.2-8.fc20 Removed package: gdmap-0.8.1-16.fc20 Removed package: honeyd-1.5c-21.fc20 Removed package: lancet-1.0.1-8.fc20 Removed package: libigtl-1.9.7-12.fc20 Removed package: mdsplib-0.11-15.fc20 Removed package: mule- Removed package: nurbs++-3.0.11-16.fc20 Removed package: opengrok-0.11.1-1.fc21 Removed package: pfHandle-1.1-8.fc20 Removed package: pki-ra-10.1.0-3.fc23 Removed package: prelink-0.5.0-1.fc20 Removed package: publican-redhat-2.7-6.fc20 Removed package: qtdbf-1.0.0-1.fc21 Removed package: robert-hooke-1.2.0-6.fc21 Removed package: rubygem-icalendar-1.1.6-5.fc20
Summary: Added Packages: 305 Removed Packages: 24 Modified Packages: 0 Size of added packages: 81240296 (77 M) Size change of modified packages: 0 (0 ) Size of removed packages: 23306554 (22 M) Size change: 57933742 (55 M) Compose finished at Wed Jul 29 09:28:34 UTC 2015