perhaps this is a stupid question
I am connnection to our bugzilla box with following code.

import bugzilla as bug
tickit_user = ""
pw = "test"
b3 = bug.Bugzilla3(url="")
tick = b3.getbug(ticketNR)
prio = tick.priority
reporterid = tick.reporter_id
resolution = tick.resolution
status = tick.status
summary = tick.summary
version = tick.version
severity = tick.severity
team = tick.cf_team_raised
resolveremail = tick.cf_resolver
useragent = tick.bugzilla.user_agent
component_id= tick.component_id
reporter_id= tick.reporter_id
print prio
print reporterid
print resolution
print status
print summary
print version
print team
print resolveremail
print useragent


But how to get all the other comments etc from the bug ? There are many more .

when I execute the in browser

I see a lot of more infos about all comments / bugs / etc.

How to get all the comments from the other users in bugzilla related to this ticketNR ?

