Hey, the following packages failed Python 3.8 rebuild but still needs triage.
(Involved package maintainers are bcc'ed.)
Me and Patrik (cc'ed) slowly go trough them and file bugzillas blocking PYTHON38:
However the amount is quite high and the triage is tedious. I'd appreciate help from the package maintainers or volunteers.
Those are the packages that very likely actually fail to build (i.e. they don't just miss a dependency rebuild). This was determined by the build.log.gz Content-Length header, so it is not 100% accurate, but (actually very well) educated guess.
What to do?
1. Find the package in Copr:
2. Examine the failure in the logs.
3. File bugzilla blocking the PYTHON38 bug. In case the failure is reproducible in rawhide (still Python 3.7), also block the F31FTBFS bug. See exisitng bugzillas for examples.
The copr has a mock config in its description. Use it for debugging if you want.
If you manage to fix something immediately instead of filing the bugzilla report, please let us know so we can rebuild it in the copr.
Thanks for help.
Maintainers by package: clufter jpokorny dlib bizdelnick elastic-curator piotrp gdcm ankursinha ignatenkobrain mrceresa sebp gitg decathorpe ignatenkobrain nacho pwalter rathann graphite-web jamielinux jsteffan piotrp greenwave dcallagh gnaponie lholecek mjia mprahl ralph grpc avsej hokuyoaist rmattes hplip jridky tkorbar twaugh zdohnal ibus-cangjie bochecha kdevelop-python dvratil jgrulich minh koschei mizdebsk msimacek libcec pbrobinson libforensic1394 fab libpreludedb totol libpst carllibpst libstoragemgmt cathay4t grover tasleson lttng-ust dmarlin greenscientist ktdreyer mjeanson suchakra meld cwickert dmaphy gilboa lkundrak mlpack rcurtin openslide-python bgilbert patool eclipseo petsc4py sagitter pybind11 jussilehtola pykde4 jreznik rdieter than pymol timfenn pystatgrab fab heliocastro potty slankes ttorling python-CacheControl bkabrda python-Pympler rathann python-adal melmorabity python-alchimia vpopovic python-aodhclient apevec python-apsw cicku dfateyev maci python-asynctest rathann python-bash8 flepied python-bashate apevec chandankumar python-behave churchyard python-binaryornot pingou python-bitstruct besser82 python-blosc tnorth zbyszek python-breathe daveisfera python-castellan apevec hguemar python-colorspacious rathann python-dbfread jujens python-deap zbyszek python-django-appconf mrunge python-django-countries bkabrda python-epub athoscr python-fastavro ankursinha python-flake8-polyfill cottsay python-fsleyes-widgets ankursinha python-gattlib limb python-gfm thm python-grapefruit kumarpraveen pjp sundaram python-into-dbus-python grover ignatenkobrain ilgrad python-jeepney churchyard python-jenkins-job-builder ignatenkobrain ktdreyer pabelanger python-jep raphgro python-jira ishcherb ralph stevetraylen python-joblib besser82 ignatenkobrain sergiopr python-journal-brief twaugh python-junit_xml jhogarth python-mapnik tomh python-marshmallow-enum ignatenkobrain python-mongoengine bowlofeggs echevemaster yograterol python-mutagen cicku ignatenkobrain mbaldessari moezroy python-neovim asn salimma python-networkmanager jdulaney python-nixio ankursinha python-ntlm3 jhogarth python-numcodecs qulogic python-os-testr apevec chandankumar python-pdir2 carlwgeorge python-pelican churchyard firemanxbr jamielinux mrunge python-pint mrunge python-precis_i18n michich python-pydicom ignatenkobrain python-pykalman ankursinha python-pymssql melmorabity python-pyswip thofmann python-pytest-spec lbalhar python-pytest-testmon churchyard python-qtconsole nonamedotc python-rebulk jorti python-recommonmark jujens python-restauth-common jkaluza python-ripozo churchyard python-ruamel-yaml chandankumar jchaloup smilner python-scales filabrazilska lkundrak python-scrapy echevemaster python-simpleeval sharkcz python-snuggs qulogic python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput itamarjp zbyszek python-sphinxtesters jjames python-structlog piotrp python-suds jortel swt2c python-svgwrite vtrefny python-swiftclient apevec jruzicka zaitcev python-terminaltables terjeros python-tw2-core lmacken ralph python-txaio jujens python-units ignatenkobrain python-vulture ykarel python-wand barracks510 python3-exiv2 asn python3-postgresql hhorak vint fszymanski waiverdb dcallagh gnaponie lholecek mprahl ralph
Packages by maintainer: ankursinha gdcm python-fastavro python-fsleyes-widgets python-nixio python-pykalman apevec python-aodhclient python-bashate python-castellan python-os-testr python-swiftclient asn python-neovim python3-exiv2 athoscr python-epub avsej grpc barracks510 python-wand besser82 python-bitstruct python-joblib bgilbert openslide-python bizdelnick dlib bkabrda python-CacheControl python-django-countries bochecha ibus-cangjie bowlofeggs python-mongoengine carllibpst libpst carlwgeorge python-pdir2 cathay4t libstoragemgmt chandankumar python-bashate python-os-testr python-ruamel-yaml churchyard python-behave python-jeepney python-pelican python-pytest-testmon python-ripozo cicku python-apsw python-mutagen cottsay python-flake8-polyfill cwickert meld daveisfera python-breathe dcallagh greenwave waiverdb decathorpe gitg dfateyev python-apsw dmaphy meld dmarlin lttng-ust dvratil kdevelop-python echevemaster python-mongoengine python-scrapy eclipseo patool fab libforensic1394 pystatgrab filabrazilska python-scales firemanxbr python-pelican flepied python-bash8 fszymanski vint gilboa meld gnaponie greenwave waiverdb greenscientist lttng-ust grover libstoragemgmt python-into-dbus-python heliocastro pystatgrab hguemar python-castellan hhorak python3-postgresql ignatenkobrain gdcm gitg python-into-dbus-python python-jenkins-job-builder python-joblib python-marshmallow-enum python-mutagen python-pydicom python-units ilgrad python-into-dbus-python ishcherb python-jira itamarjp python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput jamielinux graphite-web python-pelican jchaloup python-ruamel-yaml jdulaney python-networkmanager jgrulich kdevelop-python jhogarth python-junit_xml python-ntlm3 jjames python-sphinxtesters jkaluza python-restauth-common jortel python-suds jorti python-rebulk jpokorny clufter jreznik pykde4 jridky hplip jruzicka python-swiftclient jsteffan graphite-web jujens python-dbfread python-recommonmark python-txaio jussilehtola pybind11 ktdreyer lttng-ust python-jenkins-job-builder kumarpraveen python-grapefruit lbalhar python-pytest-spec lholecek greenwave waiverdb limb python-gattlib lkundrak meld python-scales lmacken python-tw2-core maci python-apsw mbaldessari python-mutagen melmorabity python-adal python-pymssql michich python-precis_i18n minh kdevelop-python mizdebsk koschei mjeanson lttng-ust mjia greenwave moezroy python-mutagen mprahl greenwave waiverdb mrceresa gdcm mrunge python-django-appconf python-pelican python-pint msimacek koschei nacho gitg nonamedotc python-qtconsole pabelanger python-jenkins-job-builder pbrobinson libcec pingou python-binaryornot piotrp elastic-curator graphite-web python-structlog pjp python-grapefruit potty pystatgrab pwalter gitg qulogic python-numcodecs python-snuggs ralph greenwave python-jira python-tw2-core waiverdb raphgro python-jep rathann gitg python-Pympler python-asynctest python-colorspacious rcurtin mlpack rdieter pykde4 rmattes hokuyoaist sagitter petsc4py salimma python-neovim sebp gdcm sergiopr python-joblib sharkcz python-simpleeval slankes pystatgrab smilner python-ruamel-yaml stevetraylen python-jira suchakra lttng-ust sundaram python-grapefruit swt2c python-suds tasleson libstoragemgmt terjeros python-terminaltables than pykde4 thm python-gfm thofmann python-pyswip timfenn pymol tkorbar hplip tnorth python-blosc tomh python-mapnik totol libpreludedb ttorling pystatgrab twaugh hplip python-journal-brief vpopovic python-alchimia vtrefny python-svgwrite ykarel python-vulture yograterol python-mongoengine zaitcev python-swiftclient zbyszek python-blosc python-deap python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput zdohnal hplip