Fontmake is a python tool required to generate variable fonts from designspace and ufo sources. I have created a variable font which I want to package for fedora. But I couldn't find fontmake in fedora packages. So do I need to package fontmake first to be able to package my font or I can install it through pip during the build stage of my package and list only python3 and pip as dependency.
On 06. 12. 24 14:40, Anirban Mitra via python-devel wrote:
Fontmake is a python tool required to generate variable fonts from designspace and ufo sources. I have created a variable font which I want to package for fedora. But I couldn't find fontmake in fedora packages. So do I need to package fontmake first to be able to package my font or I can install it through pip during the build stage of my package and list only python3 and pip as dependency.
Hello, installing through pip during the build is not possible (at least not for official Fedora packages).
You SHOULD package fontmake first.
If that's unreasonably complicated (it shouldn't be), you might bundle it as a second source of your font instead.
I had the idea of packaging fontmake on my back burner long ago, although I had abandoned the project. I just pulled together a draft spec file, The current version of fontmake looks reasonably straightforward to package, with the following caveats:
- no pathops extra; this would require a python-skia-pathops package, which is nontrivial due to the involvement of Skia
- no autohint extra for now; this would require a python-ttfautohint-py package, which is probably feasible
- no repacker extra for now; this would require a python-uharfbuzz package, and then enabling the repacker extra in the fonttools package, which is probably feasible
The json extra can be packaged, at least in Rawhide, now that is merged – thanks!
Finally, python-glyphsLib needs to be updated to version 6.x first. It’s pretty far behind right now. I opened a PR,, to get to version 5.3.2 and generally bring it into the modern era, then another,, to update to the latest version. That will require a new dependency, openstep-plist, which I submitted for review in
Once all of that happens, I can submit fontmake for review.
– Ben Beasley (FAS: music)
On 12/6/24 8:52 AM, Miro Hrončok via python-devel wrote:
On 06. 12. 24 14:40, Anirban Mitra via python-devel wrote:
Fontmake is a python tool required to generate variable fonts from designspace and ufo sources. I have created a variable font which I want to package for fedora. But I couldn't find fontmake in fedora packages. So do I need to package fontmake first to be able to package my font or I can install it through pip during the build stage of my package and list only python3 and pip as dependency.
Hello, installing through pip during the build is not possible (at least not for official Fedora packages).
You SHOULD package fontmake first.
If that's unreasonably complicated (it shouldn't be), you might bundle it as a second source of your font instead.