Hello Python package maintainers.
You might know that we are trying to rebuild the Python packages with Python 3.8.
More info at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python3.8
As is usual with such Python upgrades, packages that parse the AST are imacted by the changes the most and they need a while to adapt. As a result, pylint is not yet ready for Python 3.8. Similar situation happened during the upgrade to Python 3.7.
I'd like to kindly ask you to stop buildrequiring and running pylint in Fedora RPM's %check (or similar), unless your package has a runtime dependency on it.
Pylint is an excellent tool and I appreciate that you care for code quality, however I don't think this is the purpose of %check.
Let me know if you'd like my help with depylinting your %checks.
The following packages BR python3-pylint (I've removed pocketlint and setuptools-lint where I suspect more complicated dependency reasons):
Maintainers by package: buildstream bochecha copr-cli clime dturecek frostyx msuchy praiskup distro-info suraia gnome-abrt ekulik jfilak mhabrnal mkutlak msuchy rluzynski mock jcwillia mebrown msuchy python-copr clime dturecek frostyx msuchy python-hwdata msuchy python-ryu abregman apevec python-terminaltables terjeros python-verboselogs cottsay rpmconf mjakubicek msuchy
Packages by maintainer (all Bcc'ed): abregman python-ryu apevec python-ryu bochecha buildstream clime copr-cli python-copr cottsay python-verboselogs dturecek copr-cli python-copr ekulik gnome-abrt frostyx copr-cli python-copr jcwillia mock jfilak gnome-abrt mebrown mock mhabrnal gnome-abrt mjakubicek rpmconf mkutlak gnome-abrt msuchy copr-cli gnome-abrt mock python-copr python-hwdata rpmconf praiskup copr-cli rluzynski gnome-abrt suraia distro-info terjeros python-terminaltables