Hello Pythonistas,
apparently, Cython 3.0.0 final was released today.
I plan to make it build somehow in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 and once it does, I'll update the package in Rawhide, introducing a python(3)-cython0.29 conflicting compact package for those who cannot upgrade yet (like python-lxml).
Note that Cython 0.29 was only built without tests during the Python 3.12 bootstrap and I am unsure we will ever be able to enable them again (at least not all of them).
We'll get rid of emacs-cython-mode during the transition -- it can be packaged separately by someone else if desired.
On 17. 07. 23 21:09, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Hello Pythonistas,
apparently, Cython 3.0.0 final was released today.
I plan to make it build somehow in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 and once it does, I'll update the package in Rawhide, introducing a python(3)-cython0.29 conflicting compact package for those who cannot upgrade yet (like python-lxml).
Note that Cython 0.29 was only built without tests during the Python 3.12 bootstrap and I am unsure we will ever be able to enable them again (at least not all of them).
We'll get rid of emacs-cython-mode during the transition -- it can be packaged separately by someone else if desired.
This is ready to be shipped in:
https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-cython0.29/pull-request/1
Some packages succeeded in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython0.29/ but failed in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython3/
Unless the failure was transient, they will need to pin the build dependency on python3dist(cython) < 3~~.
Maintainers by package: MUSIC ankursinha PyYAML jeckersb cantera fuller sic h5py orion stevetraylen terjeros libarrow kkeithle libfreenect jkastner kathenas kwizart rmattes libgpuarray orphan mlpack fed500 rcurtin mpi4py limb tomspur numpy cstratak limb orion rdieter tomspur ttomecek petsc sagitter pygame jskarvad limb sergiomb pyliblo fab python-blosc2 zbyszek python-calcephpy mattia python-cftime orion python-compreffor music python-cyipopt music python-cysignals pcpa python-cytoolz orion python-djvulibre aekoroglu python-editdistance-s limb python-ezdxf music python-fastavro ankursinha python-gbinder aleasto python-giacpy sagitter python-gssapi simo python-healpy lupinix python-hidapi jonny python-imagecodecs orion python-indexed_gzip ankursinha python-jnius raphgro python-kmod grover mlombard python-llfuse dfateyev maci python-lxml cstratak fale lbalhar mizdebsk python-oracledb stevetraylen python-orderedset vtrefny python-pari-jupyter jjames python-peewee carlwgeorge cstratak vkrizan python-pplpy jjames python-pyclipper athoscr python-pyedflib iztokf python-pysam davidsch python-pyspike ankursinha python-rapidfuzz thrnciar troycurtisjr python-rtmidi fab python-smartcols kalev python-statsmodels sergiopr python-tables jonathanspw zbyszek python-uamqp mhayden rdma-core dledford honli jwilson kheib michich rust-cbindgen decathorpe scipy cstratak mmuzila nforro orion psimovec tomspur ttomecek setools alexl caolanm dwalsh mbarnes pcmoore plautrba rhughes rstrode vmojzis urh jskarvad vapoursynth slaanesh
Packages by maintainer: aekoroglu python-djvulibre aleasto python-gbinder alexl setools ankursinha MUSIC python-fastavro python-indexed_gzip python-pyspike athoscr python-pyclipper caolanm setools carlwgeorge python-peewee cstratak numpy python-lxml python-peewee scipy davidsch python-pysam decathorpe rust-cbindgen dfateyev python-llfuse dledford rdma-core dwalsh setools fab pyliblo python-rtmidi fale python-lxml fed500 mlpack fuller cantera grover python-kmod honli rdma-core iztokf python-pyedflib jeckersb PyYAML jjames python-pari-jupyter python-pplpy jkastner libfreenect jonathanspw python-tables jonny python-hidapi jskarvad pygame urh jwilson rdma-core kalev python-smartcols kathenas libfreenect kheib rdma-core kkeithle libarrow kwizart libfreenect lbalhar python-lxml limb mpi4py numpy pygame python-editdistance-s lupinix python-healpy maci python-llfuse mattia python-calcephpy mbarnes setools mhayden python-uamqp michich rdma-core mizdebsk python-lxml mlombard python-kmod mmuzila scipy music python-compreffor python-cyipopt python-ezdxf nforro scipy orion h5py numpy python-cftime python-cytoolz python-imagecodecs scipy orphan libgpuarray pcmoore setools pcpa python-cysignals plautrba setools psimovec scipy raphgro python-jnius rcurtin mlpack rdieter numpy rhughes setools rmattes libfreenect rstrode setools sagitter petsc python-giacpy sergiomb pygame sergiopr python-statsmodels sic cantera simo python-gssapi slaanesh vapoursynth stevetraylen h5py python-oracledb terjeros h5py thrnciar python-rapidfuzz tomspur mpi4py numpy scipy troycurtisjr python-rapidfuzz ttomecek numpy scipy vkrizan python-peewee vmojzis setools vtrefny python-orderedset zbyszek python-blosc2 python-tables
On 20. 07. 23 12:16, Miro Hrončok wrote:
python-rapidfuzz thrnciar troycurtisjr
See https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-rapidfuzz/pull-request/2
On 20. 07. 23 12:16, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 17. 07. 23 21:09, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Hello Pythonistas,
apparently, Cython 3.0.0 final was released today.
I plan to make it build somehow in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 and once it does, I'll update the package in Rawhide, introducing a python(3)-cython0.29 conflicting compact package for those who cannot upgrade yet (like python-lxml).
Note that Cython 0.29 was only built without tests during the Python 3.12 bootstrap and I am unsure we will ever be able to enable them again (at least not all of them).
We'll get rid of emacs-cython-mode during the transition -- it can be packaged separately by someone else if desired.
This is ready to be shipped in:
https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-cython0.29/pull-request/1
Some packages succeeded in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython0.29/ but failed in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython3/
Unless the failure was transient, they will need to pin the build dependency on python3dist(cython) < 3~~.
Maintainers by package: ... PyYAML jeckersb
... python-lxml cstratak fale lbalhar mizdebsk
On 20. 07. 23 12:16, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 17. 07. 23 21:09, Miro Hrončok wrote:
Hello Pythonistas,
apparently, Cython 3.0.0 final was released today.
I plan to make it build somehow in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 and once it does, I'll update the package in Rawhide, introducing a python(3)-cython0.29 conflicting compact package for those who cannot upgrade yet (like python-lxml).
Note that Cython 0.29 was only built without tests during the Python 3.12 bootstrap and I am unsure we will ever be able to enable them again (at least not all of them).
We'll get rid of emacs-cython-mode during the transition -- it can be packaged separately by someone else if desired.
This is ready to be shipped in:
https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/Cython/pull-request/41 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-cython0.29/pull-request/1
Some packages succeeded in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython0.29/ but failed in https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/python/cython3/
Unless the failure was transient, they will need to pin the build dependency on python3dist(cython) < 3~~.
Maintainers by package: ... numpy cstratak limb orion rdieter tomspur ttomecek
On 20. 07. 23 12:16, Miro Hrončok wrote:
scipy cstratak mmuzila nforro orion psimovec tomspur ttomecek
Fixed via https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/scipy/pull-request/29