================================= #fedora-meeting-1: fedora-qadevel =================================
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-07-31/fedora-qadevel... Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-07-31/fedora-qadevel... Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-07-31/fedora-qadevel...
Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (tflink, 14:02:37)
* Announcements and Information (tflink, 14:04:12) * started working on Phab to Pagure migration - Diffs and Tickets now can be exported to html/json 'snapshots' - jskladan (jskladan, 14:06:12)
* phabricator migration (tflink, 14:10:06) * LINK: https://secure.phabricator.com/T4571 (jskladan, 14:20:22) * ACTION: tflink to look into a read-only mode for phabricator (tflink, 14:23:48)
* libtaskotron's ansiblize branch (tflink, 14:32:49) * taskotron-stg upgrade to f25 will happen this thursday (tflink, 15:04:05) * taskotron-prod upgrade to f25 will happen next monday (tflink, 15:04:15) * changeover of dev or stg to ansiblize will be soon, date TBD (tflink, 15:04:39)
* Open Floor (tflink, 15:07:18) * LINK: http://kittenrescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/KittenRescue_KittenCareHa... (jskladan, 15:07:45) * LINK: http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/photography/bigs/03003-Ginger-cat-with-g... (jskladan, 15:08:05)
Meeting ended at 15:09:22 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * tflink to look into a read-only mode for phabricator
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * tflink * tflink to look into a read-only mode for phabricator * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * tflink (111) * kparal (56) * jskladan (53) * roshi (10) * lbrabec (7) * zodbot (5)
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