#106: F9 Postmortem follow-up -------------------------------------------------+-------------------------- Reporter: John Poelstra poelstra@redhat.com | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji -------------------------------------------------+-------------------------- {{{ Here are some ideas that came out of an internal meeting for Fedora 10
1) Reduce the number of manual steps necessary to compose a release--Jesse should not have to stay up all night to get the release out the door a) enumerate current steps b) identify steps that can be reduced c) target steps to be reduced for Fedora 10 d) expand existing documentation so that more people can participate in compose process 2) Build system enhancements (plague) and make it less fragile 3) Finish pyjigdo so hand-editing of jigdo files isn't necessary 4) Finish signing server 5) Integrate delta packages as early as possible in cycle--complete integration with build system 6) Automated tree validation after compose (dgregor's checktree and treediff scripts as a short-term solution?) 7) More focus on secondary architectures working 8) More days of "installable rawhide" a) tooling? b) easy way to collect metrics? }}}