#fedora-meeting-2: RELENG (2019-09-12)

Meeting started by mboddu at 16:00:29 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* init process  (mboddu, 16:00:30)
  * LINK:
    (dustymabe, 16:07:16)
  * ACTION: mboddu will send an email to rel-eng@ list about not
    forwarding the releng repo stuff and ask people to watch the repo
    for email notifications and will disable the forwarding in the repo
    settings  (mboddu, 16:18:37)

* #8728 Add kalev to koji admins  (mboddu, 16:19:40)
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/releng/issue/8728   (mboddu, 16:19:45)
  * ACTION: mboddu will add kalev as koji admin temporarily until we
    have a new policy for regen-repo permission, mboddu will file a koji
    ticket for it  (mboddu, 16:30:35)
  * rc1 is composing. :)  (nirik, 16:31:41)

Meeting ended at 16:32:14 UTC.

Action Items
* mboddu will send an email to rel-eng@ list about not forwarding the
  releng repo stuff and ask people to watch the repo for email
  notifications and will disable the forwarding in the repo settings
* mboddu will add kalev as koji admin temporarily until we have a new
  policy for regen-repo permission, mboddu will file a koji ticket for

Action Items, by person
* kalev
  * mboddu will add kalev as koji admin temporarily until we have a new
    policy for regen-repo permission, mboddu will file a koji ticket for
* mboddu
  * mboddu will send an email to rel-eng@ list about not forwarding the
    releng repo stuff and ask people to watch the repo for email
    notifications and will disable the forwarding in the repo settings
  * mboddu will add kalev as koji admin temporarily until we have a new
    policy for regen-repo permission, mboddu will file a koji ticket for
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mboddu (39)
* nirik (24)
* dustymabe (20)
* zodbot (7)
* kalev (1)
* sharkcz (1)
* jednorozec (0)
* pbrobinson (0)
* pingou (0)
* ksinny (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

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