#939: Please include gimp-2.6.2-1.fc10 in F10 final ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Reporter: nphilipp | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: koji Keywords: | ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Right after freeze on this tuesday, version 2.6.2 was issued as a stable bugfixing release with updated translations. It would be good to get the package in to spare mirrors the burden of having a ~16MB update right on GA, to have the most up to date translations in the Live media as well as fixes for some crashers (see below). I've tested the package locally and haven't seen it malfunctioning.
ChangeLog: {{{ * Fri Oct 31 2008 Nils Philippsen nils@redhat.com - 2:2.6.2-1 - version 2.6.2 - update xdg-open patch
Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.6.1 to GIMP 2.6.2 =================================================
* Bugs fixed:
557950 – Scaling in Gimp 2.6 is much slower than in Gimp 2.4 558215 – unit and zoom entries in Statusbar not visible 558451 – Cannot build GIMP using Sun CC on Solaris 2.8 558420 – projection incorrect with alpha-less layers 556603 – Zoom region always zooms in center of image 557870 – "Qmask" message popping up here and there 557705 – compatibility with GEGL > 0.0.20 556248 – Scaling gives 'jagged' edges 556804 – Zoom drop down doesn't update 524615 – Print not to scale 555246 – gimp crashes when a file is opened while a preview is generating 556741 – Alpha layer automatically added (in psd format) 556182 – Could you please explain a few strings [I18N] 555697 – build fails if configured with --without-libjpeg 134956 – Curves tool doesn't save free curves
* Updated translations:
Czech (cs) Danish (da) Finnish (fi) French (fr) Japanese (ja) Polish (pl) Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) Swedish (sv) Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)
* Tue Oct 28 2008 Nils Philippsen nils@redhat.com - 2:2.6.1-2 - update required versions of some packages (#467065) }}}