#6437: Update documentation -----------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: mohanboddu | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: enhancement | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 25 Final | Component: other Keywords: meeting | Blocked By: Blocking: | -----------------------------+------------------------ The documentation on pagure is not up to date on lot of things we use every day. We need to update the documentation with the new processes that we are following now. Also, there is a necessity to add documentation of some of the processes that were never documented before. Some of the processes are obsolete and we need to remove all the information about them in the documentation.
It would be really helpful to update the documentation so that lot of people can understand the new methodologies that are currently being used.
#6437: Update documentation ------------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: mohanboddu | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: enhancement | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 25 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by ausil):
We need to decide on how to version the documentation
#6437: Update documentation ------------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: mohanboddu | Owner: mohanboddu Type: enhancement | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 25 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: meeting Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+------------------------ Changes (by ausil):
* owner: rel-eng@… => mohanboddu
mohan has figured out a way to use the git hash for versioning
#6437: Update documentation ------------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: mohanboddu | Owner: mohanboddu Type: enhancement | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 25 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+------------------------ Changes (by ausil):
* keywords: meeting =>
#6437: Update documentation ------------------------------+------------------------ Reporter: mohanboddu | Owner: mohanboddu Type: enhancement | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 25 Final | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ------------------------------+------------------------
Comment (by ausil):
Replying to [comment:2 ausil]:
mohan has figured out a way to use the git hash for versioning
I do not remeber this ever being implemented