#4267: collectd in EPEL ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: mash Keywords: | ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Can we get collectd in EPEL set to disable multi-lib? It has become an issue on EPEL where installing "collectd" via yum creates conflicts it shouldn't.
#4267: collectd in EPEL -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: mash Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Changes (by notting):
* cc: rwmjones (added)
How is this not an issue on Fedora proper?
#4267: collectd in EPEL -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: mash Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Comment (by ausil):
ping if this is an issue in epel i dont see how its not also an issue in fedora.
#4267: collectd in EPEL -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: mash Resolution: | Keywords: -----------------------+---------------------------------------------------- Changes (by kevin):
* cc: kevin (added)
It's still an issue.
It's because fedora ships python 32/64bit, but rhel5 does not. It only ships the x86_64 python in x86_64.
This results in:
package: collectd-4.10.3-1.el5.i386 from fedora-epel-5-x86_64 unresolved deps: libpython2.4.so.1.0
#4267: multiarch issues with collectd in EPEL 5 -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: mmcgrath | Owner: rel-eng@… Type: task | Status: new Milestone: | Component: mash Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: -----------------------+-----------------------