#1142: Stage Fedora 11 Alpha content for torrents ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Reporter: jkeating | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Component: other | ----------------------+----------------------------------------------------- Work with pre-seed folks to stage with them as well
#1142: Stage Fedora 11 Alpha content for torrents ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jkeating | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 11 Alpha | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Changes (by jkeating):
* milestone: => Fedora 11 Alpha
#1142: Stage Fedora 11 Alpha content for torrents ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jkeating | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: new Milestone: Fedora 11 Alpha | Component: other Resolution: | Keywords: ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Comment (by jkeating):
Content is being rsynced to the torrent server.
#1142: Stage Fedora 11 Alpha content for torrents ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Reporter: jkeating | Owner: rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org Type: task | Status: closed Milestone: Fedora 11 Alpha | Component: other Resolution: fixed | Keywords: ------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- Changes (by jkeating):
* status: new => closed * resolution: => fixed
Content has been synced to torrent server.